
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, April 01, 2023

breathing easy

 we got to sleep in yesterday morning, and we achieved two things. the first was getting gd sorted out temporarily (we need to start going through the official channels this week) and the second was grocery shopping.

my neck was still messing with me (it's still giving me trouble, but yesterday was really bad) and i had to lie down quite a lot.

otherwise, there was a lot of joy in the apartment as a result of my deciding that mr smear was ready to play among us. even though it took a while to get set up - accounts and friends are really messed up, and there's no way for the two of us to play at the same time from different devices which just makes no sense at all - we had a blast taking turns!

this morning i felt better, and i got to sleep in a bit again. i began my day with the pokémon card game online. i gotta admit, i've been having more fun playing this than the magic the gathering game, i'm really excited by how simple and elegant the mechanics are! mr smear wasn't too keen from the get-go but he appeared to enjoy watching me play, so maybe when we have a little cash to spare i'll invest in a proper starter kit :)

so that's what i did this morning, while he played more among us and minecraft, and by lunchtime i was ready to go outside. it was a beautiful day! gd wasn't feeling up to it but mr smear came along without any fuss, and we strolled through to rabin square to chill by the fountains and the fish pond, then meandered through masaryk until we were hungry, then stopped to eat at may 6. the vegan options were great, and i was particularly proud of how mr smear handled himself eating in public (he's less messy than at home :P). we enjoyed our meals and had a good time!

then we took a slow stroll back the way we'd come, stopping a couple of playgrounds and picking up ice lollies on the way home.

i didn't realize how dehydrated i was until i got in to our apartment... anyway, we played some rayman: legends and then discovered that among us is available on the ps4, went through the whole sign-up ordeal (for nothing, it wouldn't merge our accounts) and then played until it was time to get ready for bed, at which point mr smear realized that he was, in fact, a bit hungry. anyway, we got through feeding and showering and brushing teeth without any issues, and the two of us had an interesting chat about dreams and meditation when i was supposed to be reading the bfg (mainly because the bfg said something very wrong about humans wasting time sleeping).

now i've played some more pokémon, and i'm just about ready for bed. this has been my first real weekend in a while, and it actually feels like i've relaxed and unwound a bit :)

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