
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

back to the office

one week later. feeling better, we might possibly be returning to our home today. still barely sleeping, although last night was an improvement.

gd and i have had some frustrating fights over the past couple of days, but i think we're doing okay. she's been sick as well as recovering while i've just been recovering, which has introduced some unnecessary tensions...

... it looks like we'll be renewing our apartment lease, which is good. it was my mom's birthday this week, we took her to balducci's and had a really good evening. now praying that the spa i bought her a voucher for honours our agreement and lets her go whenever she actually wants to (if the voucher you're selling online expires, shouldn't you mention that before the purchase is complete?)

my physio seems to be going well, but some of the elements really hurt. and i've been promised that it's going to get a lot more painful before it gets better.

i've been back in the office since wednesday morning, and i'm SO much happier. not only does sharing the same physical space with my teammates make a big difference, but our temporary offices are beautiful and we have an excellent view of table mountain, in contrast to the view of my last three weeks (and right now) which is the buildings across the road. by tuesday evening i was starting to lose my mind and i actually had to hobble outside and spend five minutes staring at the sun. and being jealous of the beachfront joggers.

we got a message from mr smear's teacher on thursday morning that seriously upset me: not only did they have what was effectively an easter egg hunt for lag ba'omer - wtf?! - but "the dairy lady" is visiting the school on wednesday to indoctrinate the three and four year olds into believing that dairy is good for children, which it most certainly isn't. it's sheer insanity, it's 2019 and there's no need to push unhealthy, unethical and unsustainable habits on defenseless kids.

ah, mr smear and i have been playing old-school computer games together since yesterday and really enjoying ourselves! in particular, mixed-up mother goose, super solvers midnight rescue, pac-man and stunts.

most important takeaway for the week: i'm really, really happy with my new job. i've been doing it for three months already, i'm getting a bit more of a handle on things, and they seem to be happy with me too. i'm feeling particularly fortunate right now.

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