
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, September 03, 2012

all's well

as i tweeted, the doctor wasn't in despite the claims of the sign on the door to the contrary. so after all that, i stood in the heat for twenty minutes before giving up, grabbed a delicious falafel and promptly missed both buses.

i ran into an old friend on the next bus, so i guess it worked out alright.

    work today:
  1. billing hours for hanging around waiting to help others do the things i usually do is quite relaxing. touching up the documentation wiki was grounding.

  2. the boss was shocked when i reminded him that we agreed that QA was until the end of this week, and that it's not my problem if the other guys are delayed, or off for two days on some random course, or if his new hire to replace me is only starting next week.

    i explained to him my theory that good software developers should be interchangeable, and that i expect everyone to be as capable of running the show as i am by thursday. if not, we can argue until the end of time whether the fault lies with me or with my replacements, but i've got other fish to fry.

  3. scr asked me if i had any ideas for a CS thesis, 'cause it looks like he's ready to continue studying. i took him to the meeting room and laid out an idea i had recently that appears to have excited him as much as it does me; he's taking a couple of days to consider it but in my heart i know that that's what i'm going to start playing with within the next couple of weeks: a lot of companies demand code examples, and this is a great opportunity to impress. if it serves his purposes to collaborate with me, that'll be awesome.
while talking to the boss, i watched with dismay through the window behind him as my bus drove past. i sat down next to the kid on the next one - the funny thing is that the next guy to sit in our area was one of his classmates from a couple of years ago; the serendipity was amusing.

i ate and napped, then joined the fast rollers. we did the same route as the first time i tried, only this time i kept pace with the second group. it was *really* tough, though, and from about halfway through i was grateful that dinner tasted only slightly icky the second time around :/

the helmet and the bicycle light made a huge difference to my confidence, and overall we behaved well and fairly cautiously.

i was annoyed that the supermarket wouldn't let me in without a shirt. i was stupefied by their refusal to grant me access wearing a bicycle helmet, even though my face was totally visible. i was appreciative that they allowed me to be their last customer in spite of the previous uncertainty, and they were mighty friendly about it :)

i meandered home with liquified legs and deliciously cold orange juice, and have done little but shower and read since. now it's time for bed.


the internet has been talking about bill nye's video on teaching creationism, and i found this criticism to be particularly constructive.

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