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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

four dreams

there was an officer dream, some sort of conference / lecture in a field that smacked of bureaucracy, from which we had to wait a long time to be let out and i got into trouble for pitching my tent without permission.

there was running for my life from a man chasing me on foot from ibn gvirol with gun drawn for gesturing when he honked unnecessarily.

there was a nature party, in the wind with blowing student day buildings, somehow arriving in j-lo's apartment (had i been there already in that dream?) and applauding the decor before having to explain to her why i wasn't going to cheat on my girlfriend.

there was a visit to the bar / restaurants on the beach in cape town, where customer service made me cry for having ever left.

there was a hotel lecture, i'd had a shower and was toweling off and get dressed before it began while others arrived. an old friend from primary school caught me for a conversation just as i was trying to put my underwear on, i was distracted and by the time the lecture to the packed room began i was still naked... but not embarrassed. during the break i bought something from the bar in the corner but couldn't remember which denomination note i'd paid with, and i mentioned building a cash-register to solve the problem and he offered to help me do it if i'd just give him a business plan.


i woke up around 10 / 10.30am and sat down to get some things done; aside from a couple of arguments / posts i haven't a clue where the next two hours went.

pg and i left for the market area, the primary objective being for me to exchange the small pockets i'd bought the week before. after waiting a short while for the bus and then the bus taking forever to get there, i realized that i'd left the pockets at home... she headed into the market while i waited for a bus back home.

it's a good thing that on the way we'd calculated how much the studan deal saved us on public transport during the year: for her, not so much, but for me - well over a thousand shekels. and the stress over wasted cash in the obscure event that i'd taken a bus ride for nothing.

it took so long for a return bus to come and then so long to get home that i decided to do the next there / back on blades, leading me to write a guide in the wake of a really crazy run in which i merged superbly with the traffic and, aside from motorcycles, totally outpaced it in addition to being able to take streets in the wrong direction (we can jump onto the pavement in a hurry, bikes not so much).

the pocket exchange was painless and i stopped a couple of times to alert drivers to their wasteful idling; their enthusiastic gratitude more than made up for the handful of sour responses i've received.

pg arrived after i'd had a quick shower (i was *really* sweaty, summer has indeed arrived) and we went to goocha for lunch. i've been there twice or thrice before, but hadn't sat on the bar. watching the chefs at work was an absolute pleasure - their professionalism and the looks and smells coming off the grills were wonderful to behold. our food - our food was exquisite. and because we were on the bar i could send my compliments myself. the food is expensive, relatively speaking, but for quality and quantity is extremely reasonable.

pg and i transferred my comics and other valuable books from my apartment, and i then returned for a second round. on the way i hit the bottle store to pick up wine as a dinner gift, and ran into my old neighbour at the coffee shop. i'm really pleased i did, because he had some advice for me that was really useful apropos the september event.
we then discussed facebook filters for a few minutes before he had to rush off.

after bringing back another heavy load of discs and books (all the important stuff's moved, i should transfer my insurance) i spent about half an hour tidying (we definitely need another bookshelf), and then we drove to the cousins for dinner.

dinner was great! excellent food, and everyone was in fun spirits.

i drove back, quite tired and at some point a little unaware - not good. we found a really lucky parking spot close to home, and almost went straight to bed except for a short, surreal puppet-show.

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