the key club was alright. organic and ketamind were playing their funky shit and pg and i had a good time. we got to bed kinda late... pg had to get up early for class.
i know a lot of people. i don't think i've ever been so flooded with calls and sms'es and facebook messages, "hey! happy birthday!"s at work and in the rollerblading group - it really was overwhelming.
i have been informed that not everyone that i'm friends with on facebook actually uses facebook. it would appear that a lot of people didn't receive an invitation to my birthday party on saturday night... oh, well. i'll know for next time.
i spent my birthday at work, which wasn't bad. my head wasn't down all the time, though, even if i wasn't upstairs helping the guys paint the new office:
- i bought tickets to phototaxis! and then discovered that i'd been invited to a wedding. i sense much cash outflowing...
- i met with yogi for lunch. i'm disappointed. we're totally not pulling in the same direction... i'm going to need to attach myself to someone with a bit more business savvy :/
riding on his bike was cool, though.
- there's a poetry competition in our faculty :D
i think i might just enter. there are cash prizes!
- i spent a good amount of time writing up a java / xml tutorial for dummies. or lazy people. like me. it's almost done.
- my camera's been found! and the timing couldn't have been better!
where does all the anger come from?
pg treated me to a chilly dark chocolate / strawberries and cream belgian waffle after the roll ^_^
afterwards, we both had homework and readings to do - we ended up going to bed around 4am...
i have a power cord issue with my netbook, apparently. it's a good thing i'm taking my splitter to campus every day, otherwise it'd be a bitch to charge :/
first lesson: i went upstairs to make a cup of coffee, and managed to leave my bag there. i realized this in the elevator - to the amusement of the woman travelling with me - and returned, running into a student from a different faculty. i don't recall what we talked about, but was highly amused by his horrified response when i asked him if he was studying with us:
"language?! *HELL* no!"
we got extra time in purgatory yesterday morning. we still talked about freud in spite of the professor's promises to the contrary, although we did eventually get back to aristotle. she managed to make him confusing, and i *enjoyed* reading poetics
i tried playing mind games, but failed. one of the girls took photos of the craziness on the whiteboard... it may have been "art", but her scribblings were not helpful in the slightest.
the message on the back of my sweater was appropriate.
second class: catching up the reading in real time wasn't too bad. i found virgina woolf - mr. bennett and mrs. brown inspiring.
i couldn't help staring at pg's doppelgänger, though. when not looked at head-on, she's the splitting image! creepy.
i rushed through the student union building (work, blades and anime rooms) then met with eidetic for lunch. i've come to the conclusion that our hot chillis are hotter than the indians', and on a completely different note was satisfied with the change in noodle type for the fifteen shekel special.
speaking of anime rooms: arranging a venue on campus isn't too difficult, but it's too complex for one week's notice :(
i went to work - still more birthday wishes pouring in - revised my schedule with the boss and learned fascinating things about how the java codebase for our project fits in with the flex. it turns out i'm ahead of the game when i'd thought i was behind :)
food: too many carbs. not helped by it being doughnut season. i walked in to my apartment to find a huge, ribboned package of sweets and chocolates, and responded by purchasing pg a large volume of alcohol :P
the only downer last night was discovering that the ink that i bought exactly a month ago - and used once - has run out. i'm not sure who to blame.
urgh. i just properly seared my tongue on a steaming hot doughnut. the worst part is that i couldn't force myself to wait for it to cool down even *after* i'd got burned. there's something wrong with me.
it's been a slow, chilled morning. i'm still exhausted, though. i guess going to a party this weekend on top of everything else (include a paper i need to hand in soon and two books i need to read for sunday / monday) isn't such a good idea after all. oh, well.
back to the grindstone.
good news, everyone! russia's making an effort with space debris
fascinating stuff: humour in evolution
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