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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the first of the midterms


the first exam was killer. i managed to confused the tempest and aristophanes, for chrissake. he picked words so obscure for the definitions that we - as a class - are convinced that he never mentioned them. i made some *stupid* mistakes.
the essay was alright, though.

all that, and i haven't mentioned that i *really* needed to pee for most of the exam. i don't know why i didn't just get up and go to the bathroom. i just - don't - know.

a few of us met up for lunch, and talking about the experience was depressing. it most certainly wasn't helping me prepare for the next one... i met up with wr afterwards, and spent a weary hour (i definitely hadn't slept enough) sitting on a swinging bench with him discussing girls and funny shirts and good study practice.

when i stepped out of the elevator for the second exam, i found everyone standing outside the door, huddled in groups. tension was high, and wasn't broken by the look on my face - a look of despondency that i didn't have the energy to fake away.

the second exam was just as bad as the first. the only differences were that most of the second class is already in their final year, so the level was fair, and that the essay question was so badly worded that none of us could figure out what he wanted. we were told (the lecturer is overseas for the week) to write our interpretation of the question and answer that.

i, for one, enjoyed the essay. i actually found my own response to be interesting! that doesn't make me think i'll get a good grade overall, though. i'll consider myself fortunate if even half of my answers for the first two sections were on the mark.

i walked out with a pounding headache that lasted me until rather a bit later. our next class began with an explanation of what to expect from the midterm - quite unlike the previous two. it sounds pretty cool, actually.

i was having a (deservedly) slow day; tear-shaped breasts and the bobbits were interesting, but not powerful enough to draw me in.

i would've left campus sooner had i not ended up searching for the caretaker of our neighbouring building to ask him to fix a leaky faucet...

i almost took the bus to work, but fortunately remembered my dinner arrangement with kc's grandparents before it arrived. prior to that, our class philosopher scrambled past me to catch his and he was pissed about the exam... since then it's become an issue that half the class is looking to fight with the lecturer about. i like our lecturer - i like that he's pushing us to learn - and learn a lot - but he really was nit-picky.

i visited the cousins and we had a great evening; they're really excited that i'm seeing someone so we've been invited back for dinner on friday :)

i made a bad call regarding the buses on the way home. i didn't want to pay the extra for the inner-tel aviv bus, so i got off at the university train station. not only did i get off two stops too early, but i assumed that the late buses pass once per hour, and i was halfway between two stops when another went past. i figured there was no way that would happen twice... and i was wrong. i had to walk through a construction site (marked awfully) which took a while...

i quickly changed and rushed to pg's for drinks. just at midnight she presented me with my jack in the box, and the messages began to flood in. we talked and drank, then headed off to the key club for a couple of hours.


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