[i really should stop writing sentences that presume that i'll finish posting in a single session]
my right eye really hurt on wednesday morning. the muscle above my temple was as tender as my mental state.
people who use the expression "my friend" usually aren't. we have a rather socially inept personage attending our first class - it's his second time with our nightmare prof, as he was accused of plagiarism in his final paper. he apparently forgot to quote a source.
he says weird things, and i suspect that it's in the hope that he'll come across as weird enough to be interesting.
sitting in class, waiting for the professor to arrive: the thought of her doing the zombie-mom womb-opening
i'm almost embarrassed to admit that i've begun to enjoy our first classes. not only because my participation is appreciated in spite of my never having done the readings, but because, as i may have mentioned, the professor has begun to make sensible statements. interspersed with wordspew, granted, but now vaguely intelligible.
from scraps of notes scribbled between us in first class:
the order of the acquision of the traits is important, and the depth to which they have been examined and combined
the act of examination is called "psychologizing", and there is no limit to how complex one can get. in which case, no matter how much time one exists within this closed system, he will maintain his individuality even as the number of his specified "traits" approaches that of the group
the second class was exhiliarating - this time i got to shamelessly plug pastafarianism while being astounded at the affirmation of a part of my personally derived philosophy:
i, like everyone else, am a vehicle for discourse. no more, no less.
just like everyone else.
there's no difference between me, and you, and anyone else, nor even a character in a book. all of us are a part of a medium of information with the ability to physically manifest.
while a character in a book may not physically manifest directly, his ability to pass on the author's ideas can indirectly manifest through the reader.
the best part was receiving my grade for last week wednesday's pop quiz that had me certain i'd scored a zero - 70% is not a fail, and that made me feel stupidly relieved!
in the afternoon i met up with the flash boss, and he's much easier to deal with in person. we discussed the project, signed the contract, and talked rubbish. at least he means well.
i had a very successful evening at work, although not being provided basic foodstuffs is a bummer. we're feeling the changes :(
i changed my profile photo on facebook, and was amazed at the attention it's received. suddenly my mother's decided that my hair's alright, and i've been informed that my previous photo was not a winner. i prefer that sort of honesty when it can affect change :P
i walked to pg's in my pjs - a source of obvious amusement - and the plan was to hop into bed and wake up early.
the night went hard. it began was a horrid feeling in my chest / liver, my legs were sore and stiff (from the rollerblading, presumably) and i couldn't stop worrying about the holidays. or lack thereof. i haven't made snowboarding plans, nor easter plans... otherwise, all is great!
it's been so long that i now don't remember what i wrote "doggy doo" to remind myself of. possibly... this?
debugging flash, which i'm sure i've mentioned before, is a bitch. it took me forever to figure out that some of my code was running in an infinite loop, and it was doing so because the AS2 xml handling is retarded. i'll be writing a tutorial on that sometime, just as soon as i have a spare moment :P
thursday "began" (on campus, at least) with a sci-fi jane austen picnic. well, it was supposed to be themed, but only three of us prepared readings...
i brought my bubble pipe. it went down well. as usual :)
i stopped in at the student union to "be involved" (although at this stage it's more spiritual than anything else), then had a quick lunch with pg. afterwards i joined a couple of the guys from our second class for a study session that failed abysmally. we talked about everything except the class. we were even joined by a number of passers-by, not helping us focus.
isn't that why being on campus is good?
our poetry class: howl
jumping from there to the wedding: pg and i made it just in time for the ceremony. the evening was great, although i was absolutely exhausted... it was nice to have pg finally meet some of the guys i've been telling her about :)
early morning stiff-necked dog walking: i picked up a pile of crap because i *think* pg's mum's dog produced it, but if she did she waited until i had my back turned :/
the walk made me think of the previous day's discussion about social games and relationships: what game am I playing with pg? how much of it is by choice?
the morning's make-up lesson was even more fun than the week before. i walked out affirmed and confirmed and inspired ^_^
i bladed to the laundromat with my smart clothes, then shopped. shopping was social, i ran into spot's grandmother and my old neighbour's wife and neither of them recognized me :P
i sat down to fight it out with flash, and finally got into a groove. it's an ugly framework and it's horribly wrong, but i found my way and integrated code tricks and debugger manipulation and eventually managed to produce the desired results. i took a break for friday night dinner with the newlyweds - i was seated at the awkward table, unfortunately - and had a fun walk home with a couple of friends i haven't seen in ages, then continued to storm the flash project until 3am.
when it was... complete. i went to bed satisfied.
i began the day studying at cafesito, and was horrified when a man let his dog pee under the very seat i was sitting on and wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed about it. i sat gawking for a minute or two afterwards, unable to accept what had just happened.
otherwise, it was a great morning. i came home to post and study some more, but ran out of time [as can be seen above] and returned for the end of the newlywed's weekend celebrations. that last meal was uncomfortable as hell - nobody else from *our* group of friends rocked up. i like dutch people, but have difficulty communicating with them outside of their comfort zone. at least it was an improvement over the night before.
also, i drank far too much whiskey. so much so that i was brooding the whole walk back, which is not a mood i've experienced much these past few months. my disposition did improve when i got home and was visited by both my old south african friend that i ran into a couple of weeks ago and piles, for an evening of house, trance and progressive rock. my fingers are all cut up from my guitar strings (has it been that long?) and they were unresponsive to begin with (i blame the alcohol), but it was a fun evening and i hope to institutionalize it.
i've just spent far longer on the phone with the flash boss than i would've liked (he needed explanations... for really simple stuff...) and watched an amusing speech.
now i'm off to be in trouble with pg - i can't win :P
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