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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


my last post attracted some attention and quite a lot of advice, some in agreement and some telling me i'm exaggerating.

i was going to have it out with her when we met up a little later, but then i thought about how bad an idea that is and i decided to call her. the conversation began unpleasantly but improved along the way, and i'm prepared to concede that i may have misjudged and i may have taken a few points out of context. i'm not entirely convinced, but i'm not going to ignore the possibility that i'm wrong.

the 5.30am start to the day was harsh. i made the shuttle on time, and aside from breakfast, lunch and a couple of chats i spent the half day passed out at my desk.

i did hear some "good" news: the big chief (the idiot i complained about) suddenly realized how much time i'm signed up for, and in front of all the unit commanders and SCs admitted that he may have made a mistake by tearing up my request. maybe he'll let me send another one?

nystire came over to my place and tried to help me with my computer - eventually arriving at the same conclusion: it was time to replace the dvd burner. after he left, i sat a bit with the hardware dude and then a long while with an old friend from university.

we talked about all sorts of interesting and exciting things; it's always nice to hook up with a kindred spirit. while we sat there a gorgeous girl walked past, locked eyes with me, and then returned to mumble something about mistaken identity while i blushed profusely :P

i bought a new drive on the way home, and discovered that i didn't have the correct data cable. as i stepped out the skies broke into the heaviest rain i've ever seen in this country - it was intensely beautiful and i stood rooted to the spot for a while before returning to pick up an umbrella.

i was pleased to be able to help a couple of old people on my way to and from the store :)
i can't be sure, but it appears that my waterproofing solution is holding up!

i didn't actually hate switching the drives, even though there was a slight complication with cable lengths. the new drive went in cleanly and i've just completed installation. finally ^_^

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