
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, September 08, 2006

shine on you

i left work last night at the usual time, and bussed through to my old work. it was really nice seeing everyone again, quite a trip to go back to where i spent many long hours answering phones politely. being reintroduced to this girl i met in eilat, in an environment that we're both comfortable in, was rather a good idea.

i left around 1.30am, and took a taxi to the balcony. on the way in i ran into a couple of people i know from my base, so i stopped for a really short chat, then walked into what spot had promised me was a rocking party with fantastic music.

the first 5 songs played when i got in were good, but it was israeli rock and i was looking for hard rock / metal / alternative. after the first five, however, i was no longer disappointed. after a while my TL walked in to say hi - i'd missed him outside. i called over the cute bartender and introduced them, which had some entertaining results :)

we hung there until closing, when ta2 gave me and wr a ride home. well, mostly, he dropped me off at the lincoln, and i finally managed to catch the stunning waitress ^_^

i got about half an hour to warm up - after a full day's work, half a litre of guinness equivalent (murphy's), and a sambuca, i really needed it. we closed the table to get her 50% staff discount, and we played 10 games... ending in a tie, but the truth of the matter is that she's definitely better than me, and i could identify the mercy shots.

she made my weekend. our general chirping was thoroughly enjoyable, and with her hair down and her eyes focused, her body curved just right for each shot, i felt like i was flipping through a fashion magazine. surreal how beautiful she is when she isn't working, i felt like i was playing an angel.

hito me bore*, it may have been once - but now i'm totally lovestruck. and no, i didn't get her number. i'm sure everyone can understand that there are times when flirting just isn't appropriate. everything just was as it was, and it was great while it lasted.

* love at first sight. [i haven't a clue why i chose to reference japanese]

i took a taxi home, showered, and passed out. around 12.30, nystire woke me up, and i went out to meet him at our little strip mall. we bussed through to tel aviv, met up with two of his siblings and a friend of theirs, and went to agadir for a seriously good breakfast. i'm back at work after a slow walk, and now i'm seriously contemplating doing some actual work before going home for a nap.


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