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Monday, September 25, 2006

aggravated to death?

well. today is an interesting one.

it started off with having slept enough. but waking up feeling the depression as "nooooo! i don't waaaaannaaaa!" :(
anyway, i packed up, got dressed, shaved, brushed teeth, got my first cup of coffee, and made the bus.

first off, i went to visit the offices of a guy who borrowed 1984 from me ages ago, and got it back. it's funny how we're serving on a tiny base, and there's an entire half that not only am i not familiar with, but it actually looks and feels like an army base.

i got to my office in time for some really good chocolate. i dunno where it came from. i hit the work immediately, and accidentally came across something weird. apparently, i've already been registered for a "kitzur shirut", or service shortening, of 45 days. unfortunately, i know it's not valid... but it would be so nice to finish my mandatory service a month and a half earlier. waaaaaaaaa!! such a tease!

both my commanders were out today, and our welfare officer as well. at some point in the morning, i got a call from the contractor informing me that i absolutely had to be out of the apartment before tomorrow. bastards. evil c***s. so i hurriedly began making arrangements, and at lunch-time our team (the kid and mini-me joined me) went to my place, and met there with the movers. i had to pay out of my ass for that. NIS 400 (upwards of R700). that hurt.

the move itself was a bitch, as they all are. specifically my fault for forgetting the key to the storage room, but the contractor made one on the spot with another, incompatible key and a pair of cutters. that was seriously impressive.

moving into the new room - disappointing. there isn't enough space. it's a bloody oven in there, and completely squished. i dunno how i'm going to deal with it this evening.

we returned to base, did about an hour's work, and then wasted two hours on a mission to rescue my abandoned pc's. after the long waiting period for the bus (apparently we'd missed the previous one by 5 minutes, and the next came 45 minutes later), and then the heavy haul to the sidewalk, we couldn't find a taxi driver who'd agree to help us transport them.


i dunno. all we needed was a vehicle. we were willing to pay. i fail to understand what's wrong with the equation.

so we returned (another mission) the pc's to storage (poor babies), and bussed through to azrieli.

we have a huge problem with finding an apartment - too many people who need one. there's nystire, the kid, myself (obviously), the girl from our team, and spot. it's already a given that the ideal matchup is our team, but we can't leave the other two in the lurch. i have no clue how we're going to handle this. it's gonna be hard to find a large apartment anyway.

i bussed to work, and my pupil here had to be shown a few tricks. he got my attention quite well: he accidentally deleted our debug database. whoops. so i explained to him that from now on he's going to make a point of reading warning messages. at least the "lead" managed to get the tunneling working - i certainly couldn't figure it out.

i don't know how well i'm coping with the shock and horror of the day. i don't know how i'll cope until the new apartment is sorted out. all i know is that there's pressure on all sides, and it's beginning to upset me.

the kid made an interesting observation earlier: "dude, you're never depressed, just pissed-off all the time. i wish i could be like that, i just get depressed."
until something managed to piss me off today, i was totally apathetic to the world. i thank all the gods that i have no patience and a very short temper.

oh lord
hey! that's one of mine!

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