last night i left work, and took the bus to my new "home". buggrit, i got off a stop too early - force of habit, it's the usual stop for getting to the base. then i took a wrong turn, out of sheer curiosity, and that detour cost me fifteen minutes for a geographically educational side-trek.
i got in just after midnight, talked with my host for a short while, tidied up my room enough that i didn't have to trip over anything to get to the bed. i had a shower - (decent shower!), brushed my teeth, and went to bed (comfortable bed!) after turning the airconditioner off (once i got to a comfortable 20o! - no, wait... there's an airconditioner in the room!).
i didn't sleep a bloody wink the entire night. i've gotten so used to the lack of privacy that glass doors onto the street level provide, that i guess four solid walls and a window onto a garden wall make me kinda uncomfortable. my previous temporary apartment has turned me into even more of an exhibitionist :S
i got up around 7am, got half-dressed (weird not being able to walk around in my boxers), played with the insanely cute kitty-cat ("socks", beautiful grey super-friendly cat), brushed my teeth, shaved (okay, not the most comfortable basin arrangement), dressed and slowly walked to the base.
i got to base around 7.45, ran into mini-me on the way up to my office, and then went with him to start the day with coffee. what a strange start to the day!
i got permission to leave the base to sort things out, and got a ride to my original base. i'm most impressed with myself: i remembered the exact office location of a place i last visited 2 years ago during my first form hike. go me!
i paid a visit to my commander's office (not there, as usual), then left the base and took a bus to the bank. they sorted everything out within minutes, and my insidious landlords now have no access to my bank account. i then took a bus to the induction base, and met up with the kid and mini-me to pay a visit to our client section. we said goodbye to our contact there, which was actually rather sad. his replacement is a complete tosser.
we all bussed back to our base, and got busy. i did quite a bit of frustrating work. eventually the army day came to a close, and i made my way to work.
we've set up a far more serious and professional development environment, shared workspaces and so on, and the "lead" and i wrote some useful scripts to deal with new releases from our provider. that was all quite fun.
i've just runs tests on our primary app from way back when i was new to the company... and, for the most part, it works! it works well! i cannot express the surprise and joy this brings!
i just discovered that the bit that doesn't work in the "for the most part" above is my own fault. *sob*
i didn't notice a data item was missing when i checked over the specification. i suck.
THIS took forever to buffer. but it was bloody well worth it. do it! do it now!!
bash quotes (courtesy of nystire, i'm beginning to think it's all he does):
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