today started out fairly well, actually. it began with singing "happy wednesday to you" - we had marshallows and everything. things were great. wednesday is a happy day, because it's the day before thursday, which is the last day of the week.
i made a comment about breakfast-time being 12 o'clock noon to two of the girls in my team (the ones who, i discovered today, can't stand sneaker pimps, in addition to their hatred of pink floyd, led zeppelin, and anything else not played a million times on the radio).
they began arguing that that's either lunch or brunch, which caused me to launch into a diatribe implicating early-risers as the cause of most of the world's problems, and during which i emphatically emphasized the need to shoot any bastard who wakes up before noon ready to get to work. twice.
anyway, things were going splendidly... but then some stupid f*cker (who has been given an incredible amount of authority for a completely incompetent baboon with severe neural disfunction), who has nothing to do with us (or so we thought), made a mistake that screwed up all our systems. it took two hours to sort out, most of that time trying to figure out what the hell was wrong in the first place.
i had to suffer our client section's second-in-command (our previous TL's SO and a complete moron) whining, a hell of a lot of noise in our office (we have a new kid, we're into negatives as far as personal space available is concerned), and a serious caffeine-deficiency.
i came extremely close to losing control. i only screamed once, but that once was enough to scare the bejeezus out of my teammates, and everybody steered clear. when i found out the actual cause of our woes, i was simply enraged. i took a break, cleared my head a bit (i came back only "seriously pissed off"), and made a vocalized decision to not do any more work for the day.
i didn't quite stick by it, but i came close. i just couldn't bear to see my monitor, or hear my telephone ringing anymore.
during the afternoon, i walked into a j2ee lecture. i caught an air-force soldier, and told him to explain to me what he'd done so far. he gave me a ten-minute run-through, and when i was satisfied (it wasn't very complicated, but as he explained, they had to do it all silly-like for the sake of "practice"), he asked the tutor about the next section that would be taught.
"there isn't one. we've covered all the material."
how embarrassing.
my previous SC is a complete and utter loser. not that i didn't know that already, but i was reminded harshly today. in addition to that, he's sorted out every other bloody section with replacements, when he KNOWS just how desperately we're looking for one for me.
as i said, i did get a touch of work done. it pretty much involved taking a hack that the kid produced and making it presentable (but, of course, no less of a hack). so it's a good thing, but not really very useful.
work work: pvponline's comic for today - spot made it real... he didn't get the reference apropos cats and swords.
some girl from the dating service from last week got in touch with me, trying to untangle my sense of humour. it didn't help that i kept having a laugh with my responses :P
as for the actual work - i'm confused! but i built frameworks around that confusion, so i'm ready for tomorrow night when i have it explained to me in simple, little-boy "lies-to-children" terms.
have i mentioned that i'm completely in love with pandora? i just got served the most fantastic collection of trip-hop and psychedelic rock, and it makes me sad that i have to remove the headphones and go away...
now to change into uniform and go get ready for inspection *yippee*
next cuckoo for moonflake
how advanced we have become
yes, nystire. that will do nicely.
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