
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

mid-day at 7.30pm

last night: j-girl blocked me on messenger. that's not nice. i finally finished reading lolita, which is abso-bloody-lutely amazing, and i'm halfway through the second rogue trooper tpb, which is quite the shit.


after sleeping enough - really sleeping enough - i bussed off to the bank. AGAIN i screwed up the days - this time because i didn't realize it was tuesday. DAMN.

i went off to saa, who almost cancelled my ticket back to sa before realizing that it was legit. that was frightening. i went to the el-al offices, they sorted me out, and i walked out with my tickets!! w00t!!

i got to the base, went shopping for goodies for my section's "celebration" of my birthday, and ascended to it. it was quite amusing - better 'n most of these things, and my section commander actually made a comment that suggests that he really does understand what he's been doing to me, and that he's glad to have finally found a use for me.

finally. could be worse.

the dog made sure that i got what i wanted for my birthday - as opposed to last year's unwearable sweaters, i'm now the proud owner and blower of a blues harmonica. annoy your friends! intrigue your enemies! actually, i'm getting the hang of it rather quickly. breathlessly, but quickly...

we spent the rest of the day working on the new system, for which we're now under serious pressure. and it is looking fan-friggin'-tastic. ran into a weird problem just before home-time, and spent half and hour frantically searching for the bug. turned out to be a stray parenthesis - who'da thought that would happen in java? got it sorted out, and it's all very pretty.

just got home, about to shower, and then very soon i'm off to work - first time since i began serving in the army that i'm working a night shift midweek. tomorrow looks daunting, but i'll have money! yaaaaay!

two japanese expressions for today:
1) watashi ni kamawanaide (leave me alone)
2) acchi e itte (go away)

both very useful :P


  1. Dude Harmonicas are so fucking awesome. I've got a very cheap one that bugs the hell out of Elisabeth. Bring yours with SchpatCon, I wanna check it out.

  2. it will definitely make an appearance at schpatcon - will tekken school be reopened?


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