the mongoose and i went to cafe erte to use the net, and have some coffee. place has become even sadder than before. swak. protoplasm joined us, and we left.
we started off the night at call-a-pizza. good music, but there were only about five people there. we went to getafix, which was also practically empty. bummer. so we missioned long street, in which every party was falling off the rails. at 3am. rediculous.
we tried opium, which actually looked like a great party - but even at 3am they weren't letting people in anymore. that really killed me. there was no way of knowing, but if we'd gone there first... nevermind. the mongoose walked into sliver, and walked out impressed at the party, but confused as to the lack of women :P
so we said goodbye to protoplasm, and went back to getafix. that lasted all of half an hour. then we farked off home. i crashed on the couch, too tired and lazy to go downstairs.
we went to the beach - sending the mongoose in to his first real ocean experience, and spent the day braaiing and chatting and generally enjoying ourselves. the food was fantastic.
we went to rent a movie, and i had to pay R50 to unblock my account... i've now changed the account code, so my nieces and nephew can no longer screw me over like that. right pissed me off.
we rented the devil's advocate, but we were both so tired that we only got through about half an hour before crashing.
i went to sleep at my sister's again, and i slept badly again. i think i'll just sleep on the couch from now on.
i just found out that we missed the first night of hanukkah last night :$
oh well. at least there're seven more nights.
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