
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, December 31, 2004

good weekend!

new apartment!
omfg - i've now unpacked and as of now have an address :) such a pretty place.
on my way out of the building, a book in the stairwell caught my eye: "how to save your own life". i was so busy staring as the title, i almost killed myself falling down the stairs.

coffee 'n pool 'n coffee:
the dog finished his basics yesterday, so to celebrate we went out on the town. we didn't shut up for one second, it was really nice to talk again :) we began with a cup of coffee, walked to the lincoln, played really good pool:
the waitress was absolutely one of the sexiest girls i've ever seen. so much so that whenever she came past it took about a minute for the game to resume. at the end of the evening, i went to ask her out, and
<flashback>a couple of months ago the dog and i were in the lincoln. when one of the girls heard us talking, they all started asking me if my name was the same as the dog's - we had absolutely no idea what they were on about, and they were quite disappointed when we told them no</flashback>
it turns out that her boyfriend and i look almost identical (she tells me i'm better looking ^_^), and he has the same name as the dog.

we then went back to the same coffee shop, gabbed until about 6am, and then parted company.

it looks like the dog'll be joining my team this coming week - so cool!

my first awol:
i discovered the other day, that i've been doing translation work for her ex-best friend without knowing it, so when i was told i had to finish it i went over to her office in person to complete the job, without asking permission. that was a bad idea, and my commander was NOT pleased.

wednesday: a pissy day, generally unpleasant. continued the work i'd been assigned on monday / tuesday (can't remember), and it's a lot. by the time i got back to the hostel i was in a really foul mood, so i went for a run. by the time i got back i was wiped out - and i arrived AS the security guard was throwing someone out of the building. the perfect day for a fight, and i missed it.

i'm off in a bit to a great gathering, including my relatives from england - then hopefully off to party!

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