
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

fuzzed week

i'm just about hitting the halfway mark on my day... i'm on a break between a very full day in the army, and a long night of helpdesk...

i'd try putting my week in perspective, but i don't have any. and i don't care. i'm very, very happy in my relatively isolated environment, learning interesting things (it's the beginning of the week where i become an oracle dba), and generally enjoying myself.

the only downer: my first shift back at work coincides with a huge party for our unit :( *sigh*

due to some heavy influence from invader zim, and the fact that our team leader not only has a high rank, but is also several centimetres taller than anyone else in our department, i'd taken to calling him "my tallest".
i've been officially warned that if i refer to him as "my tallest" again, i'll find myself performing every nasty task that he can come up with, and being practically confined to the base, for the next 2.5 years... needless to say, i stopped, but it's hard to break the habit!

i finally finished speaker of the dead: i loved the story, hated the writing style and pace. it felt like it was targeted at an audience aged 5-13. i managed to completely ruin the book itself with superglue, by accident, this morning - i have no idea what i'm going to tell the owner... after i've borrowed his other books.

i just finished reading a recent obituary for my father, and it's brilliant - i couldn't stop laughing when i finished it, it was written by someone who didn't have any qualms about telling it like it is - all respect ^_^

i still haven't seen AvP, and i'm no longer sure that i'll get a chance to see it on the big screen. so i've stopped caring - it's amazing the kind of inner-peace i'm achieving from spending all day in uniform. yes, that's a spurious relation, but i don't care :P

plans for the weekend: sleep, read, work. it's looking like the work will be fun, and maybe even get me some cash.

it's good to be me. ooh - almost forgot: i've been given an AWESOME army jacket, far better than the standard-issue, and next week gets me pants that are one size too big, and a big enough belt to make it *just* fit. it's time to stop looking like a rookie!

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