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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

i love engrish, that is. make your way there.

on a slightly more journally note:

saturday night was alright, the company was good and it's the first time i've had sambuca since i was 16. it's also the first time i've been informed, in a pub that claims to be irish, that no, there's no guiness available here...

what sucked about the evening is that i found it nigh impossible to follow any of the conversations, due to my distinct lack of hebrew.


sunday was a CRAP day. it all started with me talking to the head of our division, about the weather in south africa. he asked me a question that i wanted to answer, but i simply couldn't think of the words in hebrew. and i was too embarrassed to answer in english. so i just stood there, stupidly, experiencing the dumbest moment of my life. after about 20/20 seconds, he said "bye" and walked off, apparently offended.

for the rest of the day my brain simply refused to process anything in hebrew, and every instruction i received had to be repeated 5 times, which annoyed the crap out of my teammates, and bugged the hell outta me. and it just so happened to be a day filled with work.

i did almost all of my work in english, and was informed that i would have to translate it all to hebrew. so i sat until 9pm, with a f***ing dictionary, looking up each and every word. i was so pissed off when i got back to the hostel, that i literally kicked the walls until i got rid of all my excess energy, and then stretched out properly for the first time in ages. i spoke to my mom, vented a bit, and then went to bed...
to get up bright and early to go on a daytrip.
our dept. head volunteered us, and we had no choice. and i had more important things to do...

anyway, it was semi-enjoyable - there were at least a couple of people to talk to, and the areas of jerusalem we went to were pretty. we finished off the day with a huge candle-lighting ceremony, which was weird as hell - the army band sang the blessings, and then a really odd assortment of songs.

i got back fairly late to the hostel, sat talking with timmy, did my laundry, and went to bed - i got new bedsheets, so i folded everything the way one normally finds it in a hotel - i slept great!

i continued working this morning, turned out the problem i was having with the software concept was a problem inherent in the development environment, and so aside from a simple case of forgetting to save... D'OH!... it really wasn't my fault. so that's the assignment for tomorrow.

oh - and i set up my personal computer in my office. after removing about an inch of dust off of all the components, and scraping the fans clean, and force-reseating the memory, i finally have access to all my shit again :) such a nice feeling. and now we can listen to MY music, and watch movies whenever we have to be on alert.

i've come to work just to use the net, so now that that's abused, and i've spoken to sammy for the first time in ages, all that's left to do is play some KoL and then go to bed.

i like this day better now.

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