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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

arrival (4th Sept) (in progress)

due to lack of updation, some of the following may be inaccurate.

tuesday (31st Aug):

i'd forgotten to eat during the day, so i never made it to training. that about sums up my day.

wednesday (1st Sept):

i'd forgotten about it being spring. it rains in spring, but it's hot. hmmm.
i trained hard in the morning, went through to zenstar's, had an incredible shower (he has an incredible shower), watched jackie chan's police stories (1 and 2), trained some more, and my mom and i ordered pizza for supper. a good day, all in all.


i had a good training in the morning, followed by good doughnuts.
mmm, doughnuts.

after a good shower, i went off to do some shopping in milnerton, which never got done. my mom had to work, and i ended up following her around. it sucked.

i had about an hour's nap in the afternoon, before going to fetch my mom from work. i wanted to go to shadowlight's for TNM, but my mom was busy and i had to wait again. more frustration, and i missed the first half of hellboy - AAARGH! and it was good enough that i thoroughly enjoyed the second half!
we then watched the first episode of stargate: atlantis, which was AMAZING. we settled on some things apropos KAOS, and then shadowslight dropped me off at home. which included coffee, and a fantastic piece of oriental translation.


i slept late. i called the danish consulate, beginning my attempt to re-connect with my ex-girlfriend through her family. that sounds a lot dodgier than it is.
i drove my mom to town, and picked up my second mum on the way back. ran into security guards wielding uzi's - don't they know that it's best used as a throwing weapon?
i went through to century city, and acquired an international student card. now i have to remember to USE the damn thing...

lunch was made up of more samoosas, which is happily consumed before returning home for a nap. i then went to town, picked up my mom and went with her to milnerton, where we did some last minute mr. price shopping. we then went to the waterfront to buy gifts for my host families, had some coffee while there, before going home to pack and say goodbye.

saturday (4th):

i slept terribly, and it was a LONG flight.

the food was aweful, and the landing was absolutely frightening.
-- continued in next post ---

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