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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

*twitch* (31st Aug)

my word, that was an EXCELLENT way to begin the day. 8.30 saw me entering the acupuncturist's, for an hour of prickly meditation. very nice.

the only problem is that i'm still completely stiff... the training yesterday really did me in.


i can't believe i wasted all that time watching the preliminaries - they were bloody aweful. my mom picked me up, and we went to a picnic birthday celebration for my aunt. i couldn't keep my eyes open, so i spent a couple of hours on my back in the grass.
t'was pleasant.

in the evening shadowslight picked me up, and we went through to play in babyacid's vampire game. i really enjoyed myself - both the game, and the evening in general.


i got up around 7.30, drove my mom to work, then went to training. firstly, it was really nice being welcomed back so readily. secondly, the last time i trained so hard (and properly, too) was a year ago, when i was here last.

i also found out the story behind the south african olympic team - these guys were selected FIVE YEARS AGO. we have SO much better here, and they just weren't given a chance.
that's really stupid, and most unfortunate.

i was quite sore after training, and went home and had a good, hot shower. after lunch, i drove through to my aunt's, where i started on the invoicing system - i've realized that i have a LONG way to go with this, and i'm not so sure i'll be able to finish before i leave.

i went to training in the evening, too. it took a lot of courage, but i was compelled to make the most of my time here (no comments about not training till now, i had to WANT to train).
boy, was that EVER a mistake. i feel disabled at the moment, completely and utterly beaten. my body is totally unresponsive, and everything hurts.

^_^ at least it's for a good reason ^_^

i watched the heavyweight final last night, which was far more interesting than the rest of the tournament, and then had a hot bath before going to bed.
i slept like a king.


i've been up since 7.30, having sorted out my mom's car (brakes), and getting acupunctured. and eating way too many salt & vinegar chips for breakfast.

time to work.

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