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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

*groggy* (29th)

hmmph. i'm typing this on a computer that's set up for hebrew, is virused to shit, and i can't see what i've typed until i've finished each sentence. superb.


i took a bus through to herzliyah, to my old apartment. nobody home, and i didn't feel comfortable using my keys. damn south-african culture. i went off to the idc campus, handed over the bottle of bells, spoke to some friends, and got threatened by the new person in charge of student housing. the nasty person. managed to get around her, thankfully. and i put in a request to close my degree. and double-re-checked that i don't owe the university any money.

i checked my bank account, bought myself a falaffel, and met up with her, while waiting for the new student in my old apartment to arrive. i got my mail, and received assurance that my bed and books would be fine. nice.

she and i went to the mall, where we had a non-alcoholic liquid lunch, and ran into a girl i haven't seen in years, who i kind of dated at one stage, and upset terribly with my lack of interest. she seems to have gotten over it (she didn't talk to me for months).

i visited SSSO, who's due to give birth within the next few weeks. it was nice to catch up, and we talked for quite a while.

now for the army situation:

i expected to have to go into service immediately. the academic corps has set my return date to the 8th of november. that's more than a month from now. that means two months with no place to live, and the unit i'm in needs me to begin immediately, as i have to replace someone. so now we're all fighting with my old commander to move the date forward.

i went back to kfar saba, picked up my gear from sammy's, and he gave me a ride to SxS's, where i discovered how upset they were with me about their cape town experience. we went off to the industrial area of herzliyah, had supper, and he then dropped me off at the bus-stop.

the bus ride was long, and uncomfortable. i did study some more japanese, but i'm progressing rather slowly. i have time, though :)
i got picked up by my cousins, and we talked quite a bit during the drive, and when we got to the kibbutz, but we were all exhausted, so i had a quick shower and crashed.


i woke up late, and have spent WAY too long updating this site... this computer is STUFFED. i'm off to shower and shave.

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