
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, September 20, 2004

*bounce* *splat* (19th Sept)

i got up REALLY early this morning, around 9.30am, to go to the cemetary. there was a lot of visiting to do.
i just realized this morning that i've actually gotten something right. my late grandmother made me promise not to get married until after i'd finished studying. i'm finished studying. i haven't married anyone yet. i'm sure this normally wouldn't elicit comment, but considering what i've been through, it wasn't entirely out of the picture.

i read quite a bit of the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, then showered and got dragged off to the jewish museum, and then the national gallery.

i picked up buffalo wings at nando's, and enjoyed them thoroughly while finishing the book. awesome bloody book. and thank heavens i've now been to london, or there were a couple of chapters i wouldn't have appreciated at all...

i joined sandman and his girlfriend in obs, and after a bite to eat we moved to cavendish. bookworms, the lot of us. i have a list of things to read. again.
we did a coffee thing, and then went to watch king arthur.

right. let's not talk about suspension of disbelief, and raging anachronisms. let's talk about king arthur being a roman.
um, ah... no.
let's talk about lancelot being a dodgy ponce with no romantic interest in guinevere.
ummm, errr.... no.
let's talk about keira knightley being a sexy, sexy, sexyn woman.
oh, yes.

on my way home, i was annoyed by a set of brights right behind me. so i slowed down to let the idiot pass. and the idiot slowed down. so i slowed down some more. so did he.
this went on till we were doing about 30-40 kph, and i was getting really, really angry. he sped up a little, and i sat behind him for a while with my brights on, and he seemed to get the idea and fucked off.
but - WHY?!?!

and then i got home to find that some prick had parked across our parking entrance. WTF?!?!

watching the paralympics is inspiring. we're taping a documentary on bush's stupidity (can't wait!). i'm irritated that i finally have shirts and transfer paper, and our printer sucks and the scanner ain't workin'.

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