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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, September 10, 2004

hot, wet, ... (10th Sept)

it's warm, and raining, and i can't figure out if i should be wearing a jacket or a vest.


i forgot, until i got to the entrance of westminster abbey, that i didn't have any money.
so i had to walk for AGES to find a place to change dollars for me, and then i had to walk for AGES to get back. luckily, starbucks improved the return trip.

due to my inferior timing, i did a brisk walk through the abbey, which is not only interesting, but architecturally stunning, and i didn't have time to see everything - i'll have to come back someday. i did get to see charles darwin, though, which is cool (i almost stepped on him).

i met up with hyper_viper for overly-expensive drinks, and we went missioning off to the national gallery. due to our inferior timing (and some serious stomache-grumbling), we had to skip some sections. all in all, it was incredible.

we had chinese in camden town, and then went shopping at cyberdog - i wasn't allowed to leave without something, so i'm now wearing a super-cool vest that cost me lots and lots of money: but it does have a cyberdog label.

we stopped off at lloyd's for drinks, where i managed to slow my intake to a single pint of guinness, and we then made our way back towards the station. omfg - i have tried on the leather trenchcoat (matrix-neo style), and it is good. i don't know if i have enough cash for it, however...

rabbi_e met us up on the way, and hyper_viper went home to change, and the two of us went through to leicester square, and met up with a couple of his buddies. i went to the bathroom to blow my nose, and i was wiping off a tiny piece of tissue from my nose when the female bartender walked in, and she reckoned i'd been doing coke... got that sorted out, though :)
no, i can't give you any!

hyper_viper joined us, we drank another pint, and then the three of us went to another pub, where i had a smirnoff ice. at least i'm handling, but i probably shouldn't be drinking this much :P.

hyper_viper went home, rabbi_e and i visited his friends in a nice little apartment ON leicester square (bastards! that's a LOT of fscking money!), before i decided to come back here and get me some shuteye.

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