
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Riddick-ulous (9th Aug)

i just got back from watching chronicles of riddick - it was absolutely fan-friggin'-tastic! beee-YOO-tiful. and incredibly, gratuitously sexy.
mmmmmmm. pure turn-on from start to finish ^_^

three days before yesterday (5th):

i woke up quite late, which was to be expected, and we rushed off a friend to the airport. it was a hair-raising drive, but we managed to fly through rush-hour inside of an hour, which was simply dangerous and unnatural. there are some experiences i'd rather not have.

i was picked up by aeroplane in the evening, and went off to his place (with one minor detour for drinks).

two days before yesterday (6th):

we spent the day chilling at aeroplane's, which is the coolest crib i have ever set eyes on. it's every teenager's wet dream *jealous*.

i got dropped off at home with a couple of hours to nap before supper. supper was very busy, but really good.

after supper i went off to protoplasm's place, where we watched most of trainspotting. this movie upsets me more and more every time.

the day before yesterday (7th):

we spent the morning at upstairs at mama africa - this gave me much time to meditate, which i really needed (and still need) to do, and the music was great from the word go. protoplasm and his partner got screwed, as they were listed to start playing at 5am, and by that time no-one was left on the dancefloor. i went home shortly after.

i was woken up with an sms telling me that i was late for the role-playing module, so i RUSHED and made it to campus just in time. the module was quite fun, but then it was an absolute RUSH back home to change into a princely outfit and RUSH back for the LARP. shadowslight and i RAN in the rain, only to discover that everyone else was late too.
the larp was cool, but confusing. but i was typecast: prince charming ^_^ it was a lot of fun... i've never come up with so many innuendo-filled one-liners before, and the girls i used them on simply had to be intrigued. i even got to sleep with the evil queen (esmeralda, to those in the know) *evil grin*


i finally got to bed around 2am, after a night-cap with my sister's boyfriend, which also involved a religious / philosophical debate.

i got up around 11.30, and rushed to get to campus, and managed to slip my way into a module - which was rather entertaining. i spent the rest of the afternoon playing munchkin, and sucking at it, and we then went as a group to watch the movie.

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