
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

another missed birthday (19th Aug)

well, today's rabbi_e's birfday, another one i've missed.
* sigh *
oh well. this damn growing-up stuff is still annoying.

live and let die is complete rubbish.

i got up really early this morning, and gave my nephew a ride to school - i promised his teacher i'd visit, so i did. being back in my old high-school was WEIRD.

i then spent the morning up on varsity campus, which was quite fun :) i got out a book on java, so i can brush up on the AWT stuff, and met up with an old friend... t'was very nice. i did drink too much coffee, however.

saturday (14th Aug):

my mom and i went shoe-shopping in the morning, and we got a beautiful pair of nike's. and a masala-steak toasted sandwich, with really good slap-chips (vinegar'ed completely).

i spent the majority of the day watching firefly. firefly is the shiznit. so pretty, SUCH good stories... mmmmm ^_^ (pretty girls too)

in the evening we went to the one ring, where we played some fun pool, and generally had a good laugh. unfortunately, i had a couple of cigarettes, which i paid for on the 17th...

four days ago:

i woke up at 06.25 to go for a run. i switched off my alarm, said "nuh uh", and promptly woke up around 11.15. a much sounder plan.

i did some more watching of firefly, and then went through to my aunt's for supper. her parents are incredibly opinionated people, and they had way too much to say about the israeli situation - we had some rather loud and aggressive arguments. was kinda fun, but it's getting old...

i then went through to sweetiepie's (her nick, not mine!) mom's place, and set up a printer for them. we then watched a movie, the contender, which is a great film. sweetiepie really made me feel at ease, and at home, which is why the following happened...

three days ago:

i spent my day in complete emotional shock / turmoil, thinking about the past few years, and how difficult some of the things i've been through really were.
and confused about my feelings regarding my relationships. very confused.

in the evening, i went through to shadowslight's mom's place to see how the renovations are coming along. jesus h., i'm so completely jealous and in awe of the place. it's totally cool and stylish.

after dinner, i went through to shadowslight's, and moonflake, zenstar, shadowslight and i played lots of lunch money, and chez greek, which was awesome.

the day before yesterday:

i actually went for a run! i lasted about 2km before my lungs began to throb, hum, and agonize. oh, the pain! that was some serious discomfort.

protoplasm and i did a basic tour of a couple of arb places - one of them was call a pizza, which has become more interesting than normal pizza parlours, one of them was a cute bar(s) with a REALLY decent pool table, and one of them was springboks, which is as dodgy as springfield's was. but most amusing, nevertheless - trust protoplasm to get caught between a rock (the girl he'd dumped that morning) and a hard place (his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend). the really cute girl disappeared before i could decide on whether or not to hit on her :(


my legs were killing me the whole day! i took a taxi into town, which turned into a rather humourous (spelling?!) event - we were overloaded completely, with Very Large People, and i was sitting in the back corner... and i had to get out first...
so everyone had a good laugh as the whole taxi was re-arranged to let me go :P

i spent the afternoon coding, and am having severe problems with the BOMB, which are completely nonsensical and are driving me totally nuts. i did do some messing around with the KoL, which is always good.

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