
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, August 02, 2004

whoa... (1st aug)


even more family stuff in the morning.

i went around cape town with my mom, and discovered that she has a really awesome job. veeeery interesting. she manages huge properties, like mall lots and so on, and it's amazing how much stuff (and the different kinds of it) she has to deal with.

supper at my cousins, absolutely amazing. we even played a board game, which was incredibly non-characteristic of our family dynamic.

SxS and ru55 had arrived, and i met up with them after supper. we did some arbing around camps bay, then eventually settled on steers for supper, and played pool at the sea point stones. sucky place, severely sucky tables.


ru55 and i got to getafix around 3am, and left around 5am.

saturday's mostly a blur, aside from a great lunch at some cousins.

we had a birthday party for one of our uncles after the synagogue, and half the evening was seriously unpleasant - our family's disfunction reared it's ugly had, and it was most upsetting. the food was good though.

i rescued SxS and ru55 from somerset road, and we went through to obs to play pool at the one ring with protoplasm and some other friends. was nice.


we moved through to getafix around 2am. protoplasm and i met these two girls, and we had some seriously warped sexual discussions - i've never been so turned on by talking. crazy shit.

we stayed there until about 6am, i showered and got to bed around 7. i was rudely awoken by my mother at 11am, with a fake cup of coffee (damn decaf), and spent the morning/afternoon saying goodbye to the family, and then going to take my brother to the airport.

i went over to SxS and ru55's with the psOne, so we had a bit of a tekken session, which is always fun. we played tons of table-tennis and pool at the hotel - i couldn't see straight, and i still did quite alright ^_^

we've been sitting in cafe erte for a while now - good enough coffee, great music, and the internet more or less works. sign off time soon... $$$

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