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Friday, October 31, 2003


*** yesterday ***

i got up around 10am. i *think*. i went to the bank, where they informed me that traveller's cheques are not considered legal tender in israel - you have to wait 14 days for it to be accessable. after a while i managed to get hold of the bank manager, who allowed me barely enough money for food until then.
i love this country.

i spent most of the day in class. some of it was really interesting. some of it was not.

got home fairly late, helped my niece pack, and finally found my phone charger(s). played a bit of cs, and then went for pizza. we had really cheap, and really hot pizza (the really hot bit got stuck to the roof of my mouth. very sore. very blistered).

i saw her off from my place, and then went with grootbek to get hamburgers. well, one hamburger. i wasn't hungry anymore. when we got home, we played tekken until about 2am, and then went to bed.

*** today ***

grootbek and i woke up at 07.30 this morning, and got to class at 08.30. for a really sucky class in mathematics I. although i guess this is what you deserve when you fail the basic courses more than three times each (i'm including supps).

after class we went to the bank, where i discovered that my money STILL hadn't been made available. so i had to wait again to speak to some foul-tempered woman, who, after much argueing, finally agreed to give me the money.
* PHEW *

said hi to that really pretty girl who works there. she seemed really excited to see me. i guess it's 'cause i'm not available. i'm so full of myself! and happy about it...

we then took a slow walk through herzeliya, stopping in at most of the shops looking for halloween gear.

i was going to make myself eggs for lunch. i put the margerine in the pan, waited for it to boil, and cracked the egg. and nothing came out. all the eggs in our fridge had frozen solid. so i made toast, and had some strange cereal (raisin-bran, but the soya milk had gone funny from the cold).

took a bus to tel aviv, and trained for a couple of hours. nice training. bussed home, went to the corner cafe (the only place open), visited another student apartment (very pretty, with a great big roof), and then came home. we have a new shower head. massage-style. oh yes.

i now have some time to kill, and then we're going out to the party... unless, of course, i find out about a better one.

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