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Tuesday, October 14, 2003


*** 12th ***

another early morning. still exhausted from the day before, i arrived at moonflake's around 09.40, and we began our journey to gordon's bay. listening to firstfallen's cd collection, which proved to be an education. the trip took us around half an hour, i think.

we arrived at sandman's parents' place, talked for a short while, and were sent off to bikini beach. on the way, we stopped in at this cute little cafe, where we bought toasted sandwiches, and i got myself two packets of niknaks and a wilson's toffee. mmm, toffee.
nice beach, not too crowded when we got there. the water was really nice, but i was still hurting from the saturday morning, so i couldn't go out very far.
so pretty.
moonflake and i baked and talked for a while, before returning to the house for a cold, but much needed, and most gratifying, shower.
we were treated to a braai of note... TOO - MUCH - FOOD. my stomache hurts just thinking about it. and it was soooo good. after lunch, we all chilled and talked for a couple of hours, before we had to head back home.

the drive back home was incredible - we drove straight through the lightning storm, and the helderberg looked absolutely fantastic. and when the sun started coming out, devil's peak turned orange - it was simply delightful.

i dropped moonflake off, then missioned back to my place. through all sorts of nasty traffic, too, only to discover that my mom didn't need the car, so i could've gone straight from moonflake's to protoplasm's, which is practically next door.

i was all tired out, and still in need of some belly rest, but i went through to the braai anyway. i stopped on the way at the shell select. got out the car, took a photo of the mountain, turned around, and discovered that the shell select is GONE. very disorientating.

protoplasm's: great trance, and great smells coming from the braai (still no appetite though). we had a very pleasant evening, and i met some interesting people. everyone had some very funny stories to tell, so that's what we did until late. i think i got home around midnight.

*** yesterday ***

i had to force myself out of bed, took my mom to work, and got back in time to have a twenty minute kip. which i obviously needed, as i was dreaming from the second i shut my eyes, to seconds after my alarm went off.
now, i wasn't REALLY in the mood for training. and listening to all4one in the car didn't help. so i got there, thinking only of her, and sleeping some more.
as the gym hadn't opened yet, i put cypress hill - can't get the best of me on, to psyche myself up. it worked. about halfway through the song i was worked up enough to be semi-thrashing, and was totally ready for tkd.

when the instructor opened up, and i got out the car, i discovered that a couple of people had been there for a while, and had been giggling at my car bouncing up and down. not that i cared, but i found it kinda funny.

training was good - my legs were still killing me, and were practically useless, but i discovered that our instructor was in no better state, and that totally lifted my spirits. the training was very movie style - we learned a couple of new strike, which look and feel very cool, and i was quite happy with myself in general.

i was completely relaxed when we finished. i drove home slowly, not even enough energy to sing loudly, and had a great shower. i then took a walk to texie's, and got myself half of a hake gatsby. i walked back holding the package in both hands, the sun was shining, and i had a big grin on my face. and everyone who passed me by smiled back. i love cape town.

i even took a couple of photo's of the gatsby - i'm hoping they'll show just how huge the thing is (and i only had a half!). i was beaten after three quarters, and passed out lazily on the couch. i woke up around 4pm, baking in the sunlight, and slightly dehydrated, and jumped to get on the road to pick up my mom.
fortunately, i didn't hit peak traffic, as she was in a hurry to see a friend before they left for the states. we made it just in time, and spent about five minutes there before the friend had to go.

we went shopping, i dropped my mom off at home with the grocery bags, and drove straight through to moonflake's, where i stopped in for a quick cup of coffee before we went to shadowslight's for monday night tv madness / mayhem / whatever.

my last one. that sucks.

the evening was quite enjoyable, but around 23.00 we had to run off, as i was hoping to make the training at 06.00.

*** today ***

i got into bed around 00.30.
i woke up at 05.15.
at 05.30 i thought "this probably isn't a good idea."

i woke up around 09.00, and managed to leave around 09.40. i missed the bus, but fortunately there was a taxi five minutes later.

we trained forms only, and i really have improved a lot in two months. getting everything right was most satisfying. we got one of those really inspirational lectures before being sent home.
i really hope i can get those right when *i* teach.

i remembered to order a jacket and t-shirt (so cool), and i walked with one of the guys to the waterfront, where we talked for a bit before he went to work. i got myself a really delicious chocolatey thing, and then took a bus back home.

a great shower, and a great lunch (boerewors, fried onions, rice) later, and i'm writing these logs and then passing out again.

if i've learned one thing today, however, it's that wednesday night i'd better be getting to bed early, if i want to make it to the 06.00 training on thursday...

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