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Friday, October 03, 2003


*** 1st ***

my sister came over, and somehow we ended up going through a whole bunch of photo albums. i had me a gin & tonic, which i'm acquiring a taste for (only natural, seeing as i quite like plain tonic water), some decent supper, and then went to bed early.
and woke up around 2am, in desperate need of a stretch and a midnight snack. my legs, as stretchy and bendy as they're becoming, are just as much of a nuisance as ever.
stupid human leg muscles.

*** yesterday ***

i drove my mom to work, got a much needed cup of coffee, and then drove back for tkd. i was the highest ranking, again, and therefore put in charge of warm-up. which i quickly delegated, as i couldn't think of anything, whatsoever. my brain doesn't work when i'm not under pressure, so there's no reason why it should when i am.

we had a fairly light training. unfortunately the majority of people there were beginners, so i was quite bored. i'm definitely not complaining too loudly though...

on my way back, i went past the sabc building again. this time, i got put on a call to the head offices in johannesburg. where they informed me that sabc might know the details for each event within a day of the actual broadcast.
very professional.

i showered, i ate. i went to the post office, and
they are totally-super-wicked-cool. they are the bomb-diggety-pow-sock-wham of sunglasses. i'm really happy with them. when on my forehead, they look exactly like hwoarang's (from tekken, you tit), and when they're on they look like 1950's racing goggles. so cool when i'm driving. so cool.

i visited my great-aunt, to drop off a letter and to pick up a mattress, and had a cup of coffee and a rather pleasant conversation.
having been away for so long, i've really gotten into the whole family thing...

i went to cafe erte, for an amazing milkshake (if you TELL them to make it thicker, it's the same as it used to be. i don't know why they think that milkshake with a skim-milk texture is appealing), and sat on the net for about 45 minutes. for R5. that's about NIS 3.5. i'm going back in about two weeks, and that kind of thing is gonna depress me no end.

i went home, shaved, then went to get a haircut. it's not too bad, and definitely an improvement, so whatever. it'll grow.
on my way out, i walked past a really dodgy looking internet cafe. i'd have gone in, but i didn't have enough time (or money). another day.

i returned home, discovered i had some time to kill, and went downstairs to my sister's apartment, to play tekken against my nephew. even with the shitty control, and 70% health, i totally kicked his ass. my leet tekken skills are not dwindling.

i dropped him off at a friend's place, then went to fetch my mom. we did some shopping, and then walked out of the mall into a really magical sunset. you couldn't see where the water ended and the sky began, and it looked as if the sky had been stirred with a really big wooden spoon.

my mom dropped me off at shadowslight's, for the thursday night movie. the movie was hudson hawk. really funny, but i did have to concentrate in order not to take the movie seriously at any point. it's a completely rediculous movie, great fun.

we then had an absolutely brilliant game of munchkin. it lasted for $#%@ing THREE HOURS, approximately, and was filled with temporary alliances and nasty backstabbing (arad's being particularly effective, and consistent). i, for what was probably the first time in my life, managed to keep a poker face, and after everyone had spent their cards, in horrific last resorts, took the game with a remarkably silly move.
i rule.
which reminds me, i saw a license plate a couple of weeks ago, which read "I RULE - WP". yes. yes you do.

arad gave me a lift home (for which i am most grateful), and i passed out very, very quickly. i was totally exhausted.

*** today ***

considering how tired i was when i fell asleep (around 2 / 3am), i chose to take the bus this morning (which gives me an extra hour to sleep). i woke up, practically falling all over myself, and the cup of coffee i had for breakfast was literally the only thing keeping me out of bed.

fortunately, i got to the bus stop just in time to take a taxi, and had a few moments to myself when i got there ("meditating").

training today was a complete sodding bitch from hell with a leather riding crop and a face that could sink a thousand ships. from the fitness training, which had already tired us out, we moved to bar work.
i'm not going to give any specifics, but i don't think that my muscles are going to be forgiving me for this anytime soon. it was really painful, and there was plenty of it, and we just had to keep going.
the pain, the pain! why, oh why does it burn?!

i have to say though, that i'm really glad that i went. after training, i felt so good about myself - i know i'm much stronger than i was a mere few hours ago. doesn't make it any easier though. it goes against all sense of self-preservation.
oh, and one more tkd thing. our instructor demonstrated something today, that put me in complete awe of him. apparently, if we work on the bar more, we'll be able to do it to, but #$@% me, am i EVER glad that i'm probably never going to have to fight him. he's one scary muthafunsta.

i made myself a smoked beef omelette for lunch today, which only heightened my need for a nap, so i think i'll do that now before the rest of the day happens to me.

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