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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, August 14, 2003


*** yesterday ***

aside from waiting in line for over half an hour, things went pretty smoothly!
once i started getting angry and assertive with the "lady" (actually, she wasn't so bad) behind the counter, she got quite helpful and we managed to pretty much sort things out.
now, in the morning (right after work), i just have to go to the bank, the post office, and back there, and then we're quite done.

sammy and i played some tekken before he gave me a ride to work. we signed in, played snooker for an hour, and then joined everyone else for a pretty heavy session at work (lots of stupid people calling).

*** today ***

we're about to begin another session, but i have a few minutes to spare.

i have to email this driver guy, and i've been working on my vtm character, with tons o' help from my co-workers. only sammy knows what it's for, but everyone's had fun participating anyway.

first call - here we go.

*** later ***

work turned into a nightmare nearing the end. we had a lot of very stupid people, who were incredibly difficult to deal with, and all of us were really tired.

i got home around 6am, passed out on the couch, and set my alarm for 08.00.
i woke up around 08.45, had a cold shower, and went to the bank.
the bank experience was pleasant - i had no problem drawing the money i needed to pay social security, and i received my renewed visa card, which is much prettier than the old one.

i paid the social security, made a few important calls on my way home, got home, washed the dishes, and am currently sorting through my niece's belongings to find her army call-up papers.
fun, fun, fun!

i've got loads to do today; this includes meeting up with JOSH, who i think is somewhere in the greater tel-aviv area, and sorting out my vtm character.
she's nowhere near completion, but she's off to a good start. which is a rather nice feeling.

i have to say that i'm feeling pretty good on this complete lack of sleep, and i've begun wondering if maybe i haven't just been overdoing the zzz's.
it could just be the timing - being diurnal has destroyed my body in all sorts of gruesome ways, and not sleeping at night feels more right.

*** later ***

i couldn't get hold of JOSH, as he left his phone at home this morning. so instead of meeting, we talked for fifteen minutes, and we'll have to see each other when i get back.

she came over, so i postponed the character construction session till monday.

she's moving to a distant city on sunday, so this is our last time living so close together for a LONG time.

and i'm not going to get to see her for two months! :_(

i've been constructing lists of the things that i need to do, both before i leave on tuesday, and once i'm in sa.
there's a lot of stuff to do before i go.

but DAMN - i am SO excited about going home!!!!

thanks moonflake and shadowslight for the advice (i needed help sending a really uncomfortable email today).

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