
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003


*** yesterday ***

last night was pretty chilled; i continued to convert my logs to xml (this is taking FOREVER), played some cs (i'm really getting better, although i don't FEEL the difference when i play. weird.), and then went with her to put petrol in her car.

*** today ***

today has been partly cloudy, yet with plenty of sunshine.

woke up fairly early this morning, had a good breakfast (sunshine), played some cs (sunshine), and then went to retrieve a package from the post office.

turned a corner on the way there, and there was no way that i could have avoided the spatterings of dogshit that were EVERYWHERE (thundercloud).
dog-owners suck, 'cause they can never be bothered to a) ensure that their dogs don't leave a mess where people will walk, or b) clean up after them.

i then discovered that i'd walked all the way across herzliyah to the wrong post-office (cloud).
i never knew that there was one right across the road from our apartment.
found the post-office, and discovered, to my dismay, that the package was one i had sent four months ago to jax, and that she'd never collected it (cloud).

i was expecting either a package from grootbek (he's warned me one's coming), or my SUNGLASSES from ROY.

our argentinian flatmate got really upset with me today, 'cause i made fun of him watching soap opera's (cloud).

she picked me up, we left her car at the train station, and took the train to azrieli center (big mall) in tel-aviv (sunshine).
we went shopping, played airhockey, had sushi and noodles for lunch, shopped some more, and then took the train back (plenty of sunshine).

i've been converting more logs to xml - it's taking much longer than i expected - and after writing this i'm gonna do baked potatoes and noodles (or did i get mashed potatoes?) for dinner, and play some cs.

we're probably going to watch another movie tonight, and of COURSE i'll be updating this (i really am addicted).

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