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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, August 03, 2003


*** yesterday ***

i spent most of yesterday learning xml, and am currently in the process of converting all my log files.
this is EXTREMELY labour-intensive and time-consuming, which is the reason for the conversion in the first place.

took me way too long to get smart, though.
but, i HAVE learned something new! xml may be easy - manipulating the xml through xsl can be a BITCH if you don't know where to get help, and it's not quite immediately available on the web.

aside from reading, xml'ing, and playing counterstrike, i didn't really do much.
she came over, and we went for a long walk, which involved lots of sweets and ice-cream, and i managed to convince her to allow me to post better pictures of her.

it's really hard to get someone who's camera-shy (although a great photographer!) to pose.

so i've uploaded the new photo's, and by her demand removed the old one. i hope you're satisfied (you know who you are).

*** today ***

and it's now very late (00.12), and time for munchies and bed.

and a shower. mustn't forget the shower.

and brushing my teeth. mustn't forget brushing my teeth.

*** later ***

ok - the main lesson learned from today is DON'T EAT LOTS OF HUMUS, ESPECIALLY NOT FOR BREAKFAST.
i have gas.

this morning was great - went with her to the beach, had lots of fun (in spite of the fact that i know about the recent sewerage problems), and shared a huge greek salad for lunch.

i managed to find someone to cover for me at work on thursday, so now i can go up north to visit my cousins!
and chill by their pool for a few days.

i then received a rather disturbing phone call. the student's authority are supposed to be paying a rather substantial part of my tuition - $3000.
when i went there to organize it, they told me that my grades for last year weren't good enough, so i should come back when i've passed all my courses for this year.
i passed all my courses this year.
now she tells me "no, sorry, you're too late. you had to have requested it by april in order to qualify."


is she THAT stupid, that she thought that i'd get my grades before i took the courses? so now i have to write them a letter explaining what happened.
and she's a really mean russian woman, and to cap it off, she refuses to acknowledge (say that word like they do in c&c red alert) that i can't speak hebrew properly, so she rushes all her sentences in an effort to make me realize how vastly superior her language skills are.

i have that postal feeling.

i got to watch the grand prix today! unfortunately, i had to watch it on one of the german channels, and it just wasn't as exciting. commentary always helps.

she came over around the middle of it, and, as could be expected, completely disrupted it.

i've been feeling rather strange today - quite tired really. maybe it's from the seawater. whichever.

i'm off now, gotta go shopping for healthy stuff. and draw some cash too, we're going to see a movie tonight. i think it's the new disney one.

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