
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003


today was meant to be a pretty boring day. i was going to get some work done, and go to holon to begin sorting out my driver's license, sleep a bit, and then go to work.

well, i got to work.

i decided at 3am not to go to holon, because i'll probably get lost. so i need someone to either go with me, or tell me EXACTLY how to get to where i'm going. it's not a nice area, and i also don't want to waste time looking for the place i need to be when there's always a crazy queue, and they close at 12.00.

i was going to get some work done, but my flatmate was using the computer when i woke up, and i expected him to get off at some point.
i was wrong.

so i played final fantasy viii. i mean really played, up until now i've spent over 80 hours (not including restarts after 45 hour saves) strengthening my characters and their gf's. sad, but true.
it's such a beautiful game.

it turns out that the people who host the website that i'm working on moved offices this week, and that the company i work for has no idea where they went. so i'm hoping to get hold of them soon, because they screwed up the database and i need it fixed before i can finish...
that's just SO inconsiderate.

i'm at work now, as usual i hope i'll get a chance to work on my journal. and i remembered to bring kopiko, german sweets made with real coffee beans. that shit is seriously effective!

*** later ***

(actually, it's 5am on the 29th)
it's been a long night, but it went well. i screwed up less and was a lot more confident. and i didn't laugh when one guy kept going "mm hmm" at the end of each sentence, like billy-bob thornton in slingshot.

and i'm not so tired. but i've been reading pvp-online whenever there weren't any calls, and i'm thinking again how nice it would be to work for a gaming magazine.
those bastards have all the luck.

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