
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, May 01, 2003


well. i got home from work around 06:00, showered and went to sleep around 06:30. and then woke up at around 10:30, unable to continue sleeping, when i only had to be awake by 12:00.

mooched around, doing nothing in particular, and then went to class. marketing research.

i understood the concept he was trying to teach, but it involves maths so i switched off. got into a serious drug debate with the girl sitting next to me. i hope noone overheard us.

our next class was investment theory. boring. B-O-R-I-N-G.
i feel like a highschool student again.

i discovered that we have a project due tomorrow morning, and i'm in a group with 4 other people. so i started working with them, and when i explained that i had to go to training they got really upset with me, and basically told me that it is completely my fault if we don't finish it.
and they had the nerve to tell me not to go to training.

i almost lost it. my taekwondo training is one of the only things i have in my life right now that keeps me sane and sober. and away from cigarettes and weed (and hash). and i need it for spiritual reasons too, which anyone who does a martial art, or any sport for that matter, can attest to. motherfuckers.

*** later ***

after training
training went well. i started off with no energy. i haven't trained in a week, and my body wasn't prepared for the warmup. and the stretches almost killed me - i don't remember the last time i hurt that much!

at one point i got upset with myself for doing something stupid, and the guy who i was partnered with started lecturing me. i felt like a complete retard, but i bit my lip (1 he's a higher rank, 2 he'll fuck me up), and took it. when we resumed i was angry, but focused, and i ended up doing some serious damage to the focus pads.
now, if i can just remember to do this during my fights i'll do just fine.

my legs are all bruised. and i've damaged some tendons. but i really needed that.

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