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Tuesday, May 20, 2003


*** yesterday ***

crazy fucking day. around 03.30 - 4am i walked her home, and there was a deep fog blanketing herzliya. which is really odd, because we don't get things like that in this country.
anyway, it was absolutely breathtaking, seeing the moisture moving in the air, and everything had this haze surrounding it.

while on my way back home, this police car stops, and obviously these guys were bored and had nobody else to harrass. they asked me really dumb questions, like "who are you?". what the fuck was i MEANT to say? but i was trying not to give them any attitude - i have better things to do than piss off police in a military state. so i annoyed them with stupid answers, in english, until they gave up and went on their merry way.

i woke up around 8am, hurriedly got dressed, walked to the bank as i had no money on me, and took the bus to ramat gan.
when i got to the place i've been working in for the past couple of weeks, i sat down and began. after a minute the boss walked up to me, gave me a username and password for the ftp to the live site, and told me in a most impolite manner to get out of his office.
firstly, because now i can work from home, i didn't need to get up so damn early. secondly, because we requested he do this more than a month ago and he refused. limey bastard.
at least there's no time pressure now.

so i went to test the access from the offices of the company i'm working for, and that was cool. i'm working for a diamond exchange business, and getting cleared by security is an exercise in futility. and she was looking at my name on my id, and still managed to get it wrong. these are the "special forces" (as in slightly retarded).

the guy i'm working for had to supervise me while we were in the office itself... i felt kind of weird. but i had to admit, knowing what was all around me in small black boxes was really exciting, and even though i wouldn't have taken anything it was hard not to look. but it turned out that we needed to share the computer, and i can't work like that. so it was back home for me.

i put on my blades around 11.30, and went to university. got some things sorted out, helped out some student council member with his website (i'm told there's a few people who need work done for cash, always nice), received a copy of the gods must be crazy (south african comedy - a tad dodgy), had lunch, and left.

i then went all the way to ra'anana (the south african city, more or less), told orange what i thought of them (they'd left my old cellphone number activated, after i'd spoken to them twice about it), and returned home. around 16.00, i think. let's just say that taking off my blades felt amazing!

instead of sleeping, i watched more hunter x hunter, which i'm thoroughly enjoying.

i missed the post-office by 1 minute, TYPICAL, but i finally got my banking sorted out for the month.

i then got a phone call telling me that taekwondo practice was ending early, so instead of going i went home to play tekken. we played a LOT (there were four of us), and at around 23.00 she came to pick me and we went to play pool. which was fun, but near the end i had a game that really freaked me out - it didn't matter what i did, the balls were just NOT going in, and i got upset.
but i got back into the swing of things eventually. we left around 01.30, and i was exhausted. completely finished. wasted. to the point of hallucination. and beyond.
yes, you could say i was even a little bit tired.

again, the whole mist/fog thing on the way home. unbelievable.

*** today ***

another early morning? i - think - not.
i was supposed to be around 07.30, but i was still exhausted, so i got up around 09.30 / 10am, wrote the yesterday part of this log, slept some more, and then watched yet another episode of hunter x hunter.

i got to class around 13.00, discovered it only started at 13.30, mooched around for half an hour and managed to be late anyway.
investment theory.
i tried hard to stay awake, i really did! but the lecturer is not only excessively boring, but the material's quite unpleasant too, and, err, coupling that (surely there's a word for putting three objects together?) with my sleep deprivation, there really wasn't much hope for me.

i hope i didn't miss too much. there were lots of seemingly arbitrary numbers on the board when i woke up...

went home, helped SxS with his database homework. we then went to sit by the pool at a friend's place, chilled there for a while, and now i'm home and most definitely wasted.

what scares me is the possibility for going bowling later on. i'm too tired. and i have work tomorrow - must be up at 8am...
but of course i'd go.

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