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Saturday, May 10, 2003


*** yesterday ***

i went shopping yesterday for a birthday present for a relative.
i'm really bad at buying presents.
eventually i decided that a book might be nice, but how can you tell what kind of book a person will like? i know what i like, but i also know that i have very "special" taste.
i eventually found a book of paintings by norman rockwell, and decided it would have to do.
and she loved it! i was so pleased.
oh, and i screwed up the birthday card. what's wrong with me?
we ate really well last night. i watched akira when i got home, and then hit the hay for around 10 hours. good, huh?

*** today ***

the guys i'm in a group with for our class project in leadership had a meeting today without inviting me. shitheads. and they keep complaining that i don't do anything, but they keep assigning me all the fucking work. i made a BIG mistake joining their group, but i can't back out.

also in the news, our taekwondo club is planning to host an international competition in forms. which means i have to improve mine so's i can compete. i'm going over there today to watch a video of other competitions, and afterwards i'll take a look at my fights again.
i'm a bit pissed off, because i went to training on thursday night, and i discovered that i haven't been using the main kick (roundhouse) in the most effective way. they couldn't have told me this before?? now i have to practise doing it differently.

wow! i knew i left something out!

on thursday, i got home around 7am, and was woken up at 11am for a basketball game (our university's internal league). so i got up, got ready, had a redbull, and off we went. we lost 27-25, and what really sucked is that we lost because two of the players couldn't play a team game, and screwed up the rest of us.

what sucked even more is that the only reason it was so close was because at the end of the game we were basically wrestling, because it was easier for us to get points from our opponents' free throws.

we then went to class. this guy who's supposed to be moving in with us was sitting in front of me, and i had my foot on the back of his chair. after about an hour, he turned around, saw my foot on the chair, and instead of just asking me to take it off, shoved my foot away, said something decidedly unpleasant, and moved his chair away from me.

after class he came up to me and went absolutely beserk. he got up in my face and started threatening me, saying really stupid things like i should respect him because he's older than me, which had absolutely nothing to do with anything. he was telling me why i'd put my foot on his chair - he'd come up with this whole explanation in his head - and wouldn't let me say a word.
i didn't know what to do. all of could think of was "is this guy stupid?". did he WANT me to hit him? then he walked off, saying that i wouldn't get another warning.

what the fuck? why do people get so aggressive?

this really pissed me off. apparently he's not moving in with us anymore, but i get the feeling that this might not be the case, mainly because it would suit me just fine. i've lived with enough psychotics.
why do i always get the ugly ones?

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