
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


i'm unable to sleep... for twelve hours i tossed and turned, and then i *had* to get up in spite of my total exhaustion because we had another knowledge transfer. the same knowledge.


i stopped by the clinic on my way there to organize travel insurance, and was shocked to discover that my paranoia is warranted. it appears that the israeli statistic is closer to 70% and there's absolutely no awareness of the problem.

the assumption is that people don't share drinks or cutlery (sorry, but i don't have many friends like that) and that we're capable of detecting h. pylori intuitively before we kiss someone.

that's just ridiculous.

so, like any std [edit: it's not an std, nor like one], it's advisable to get tested periodically. unfortunately, the only cure is the three sets of antiobiotics i'm currently suffering... i'm pretty certain that it'll be back before i return from india. probably with interest, although i hope i manage to stay relatively clean while i'm there.

house made me worry about leprosy in india, although apparently that's a lot easier to contain. did you know about world leprosy day? i know i didn't.


work was kinda fun - we rediscovered an old, forgotten procedure because i refuse to ignore things written in the checklists... it made the day "educational". the one guy who's newer to all this than i am expressed a deep appreciation for my attitude towards wiki'ing everything, because now he doesn't have to put as much effort into things. and neither do i.

what did we do before wikis?

i left early - my computer was in use and i was exhausted. i tried not to exert myself on the way home but that's very difficult... i showered, watched an episode of full metal alchemist and tried to get to sleep, but no dice. i finished beowulf (finally!), then tried again to close my eyes...

that's when my dinner antibiotic alarm went off, and since then i've spoken to my mum and played lots of syndicate. i'll be making another attempt to sleep soon.


i've finally continued to read justina robson - selling out again in bits and pieces after a recent spot of inspiration. i'm no longer sure who the protagonist is, and i'm amazed at how coolly and intelligently everything ties together - what a fun read!

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