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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Fwd: Shalom!

[this is a poignant mail i just received from tahoma]

Hi friends :)

As you might know, Israel has been pictured very badly in the media lately. The Turkish/Palestinian side of the story is more prevalent and many facts are being falsified - about the Israeli blockade on Gaza, about the Turkish "humanitarian aid" activists and about the way in which the Israeli navy seals took over the Turkish boat.

So here are some facts from our side of the story. We'll be happy if you forward this to as many people as you can and help restore the true image of Israel.

A bit of background: Israel and Egypt keep a naval blockade on the Gaza strip in order to prevent weapon smuggling to the terrorist organization Hamas that controls Gaza. Any boat that wishes to bring supplies to Gaza is required to arrive at the Ashdod port, where the Israeli government inspects the aid and delivers (or lets humanitarian organizations deliver) it to Gaza by land. Two weeks ago a flotilla with humanitarian aid approached the Gaza shore, aiming to break the blockade. Israel proposed several times that the aid be unpacked in Ashdod, but all the proposals were refused.
The following message was sent by the Israeli navy to the captain of the Turkish boat Mavi Marmara: "Gaza coastal area and Gaza Harbour are closed to maritime traffic. The Israeli government supports delivery of humanitarian supplies to the civilian population in Gaza Strip and invites you to enter Ashdod port. Delivery of supplies will be in accordance with the authorities' regulations and through the formal land crossing to Gaza and under your observation, after which you can return to your home ports." The reply was: "Negative, negative. Our destination is Gaza."
All the other boats surrendered peacefully when boarded by the Israeli navy, except for MV Mavi Marmara.

This is a footage of the "human rights" activists on board MV Mavi Marmara lynching Israeli navy soldiers who boarded the ship armed with paintball guns and pistols in order to peacefully convince the crew to give up.
The Israeli soldiers naturally had to defend themselves, and unfortunately this ended with nine passengers killed.

This is a very very disturbing video about the Hamas. It's hard to watch, but it's a must-see if you want to understand whom Israel is dealing with.

These are some recent photos of the "famine" in Gaza as a result of the Israeli blockade. Famine brought by several billion dollars of international aid. (In the end there are some pictures of kids in India and Guatemala)
It's in French, so it you need translation, try this:

And to conclude... "Flotilla Choir"

Thank you
We wish you only good news, and see you [again] in the holy land :)

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