
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, September 11, 2006

brainf*cked (not the language)

dead-tired quiet morning. read a bit on the bus, but if that's supposed to count as a highlight... i had a sandwich for breakfast with the kid and nystire, then returned for a solid squicking. this idiot that spot and i were going to work with ages ago showed up for a meeting. and i was reminded that he is a moron.

a nice moron. but a moron nonetheless.

the first part of the meeting went fine. during the second part, he requested a fix... the system's been up and running, and -NOBODY- has tested it. not - a - one. our tests were the last time anybody's seen it in action, and now, when we're in the middle of an upgrade that means "no touching under any circumstances", he demands a change. i told him, as simply as i could, that it ain't happening. he took it kinda personally, but i don't care. fool.

my TL and i went on a mission for food - a mission that was entirely unsuccessful. the mess hall was done, the cafeteria was done... sod it, i didn't have lunch. i ate a half a brownie to celebrate 9/11 (we were celebrating someone's one year of having been in our section, which led us to a few funny 9/11 stories. mine's a 9/13 story, 'cause i was inducted 2 days after the towers fell), but that doesn't really count.

another long meeting later, and then i went off to play volleyball. so hot -> so tired -> so sweaty -> so gross. it wasn't the best we've played, either.

due to traffic conditions, all the busses were late - and when they did arrive, they were overloaded. that made things a tad uncomfortable. and when i got to work, the place downstairs was done for the day, so i had to wait until about an hour ago to eat. now i need a digestive nap :S

work so far: fun with webcam. error with bloody stupid incompatible api's from the provider. i confused a call, and it gummed up the works. and it was hard to find. bastards.

that is sad
dodgy, however you look at it

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