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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

signs of hope

grumplestiltskin: i did get a reasonable amount of sleep. then i woke up and fell back into shadowrun: dragonfall. which has gotten really convoluted, really fast - they turned up the drama to 11, and i'm loving it. this game would make for a great tv series!

and then, a couple of hours ago, while we were finishing watching batman (i saw a lot of it, but i went from grumpy to sleepy very quickly), we finally got news that nasrallah's death has been confirmed.

it's a weird sensation, feeling cautiously optimistic after a year of almost constant bad news after bad. according to the news, we've also brought hamas' military capabilities down to zero, and they are being redesignated from an army back to a guerrilla terror group.

it's the last shabbat of the hebrew year 5784 (תשפ״ד), which has been one of the most awful years in jewish history. may this be remembered as an historical day when we turned things around, not just for our people but for the entire region.

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