
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

enter the weekend


picking up mr smear's new shoes on my way to work. in the afternoon, we had ridiculous drama because he couldn't get them on. unlike his previous shoes, these ones aren't velcro... they're slip-ons. i eventually managed to regain control of the situation, and ran him through drills until he got it right 🤦

i received a message from mr smear's teacher before noon, informing me that he wasn't playing ball :(

i had a one-on-one with my boss, and it looks like we're both happy with how things are going. so that's good.

i had brought leftovers to the office for lunch, and i had to leave early to take mr smear to mma, so i didn't join my teammates on their trek for lunch. what i didn't realize was that it was my coworker's birthday - the one who i've been in damage-control with regarding our relationship :/

he responded well to my apology, and things were really positive today, so i guess it's alright?

yesterday's work was exciting, i got a lot of stuff done and i was really happy with the outcome.

gd had had a rough time with mr smear since picking him up from school, but she managed to get a handle on it and his behavior for the rest of the afternoon was pretty good. including mma. on the bus home i asked if he wanted to do einstein puzzles with me, and he reminded me that he was being punished and didn't have privileges 😆

i tried to watch beverly hills cop 2 with gd after putting mr smear to bed, but i couldn't keep my eyes open.


i didn't sleep particularly well, but it wasn't a bad night. this morning was a bit rough, but only because i couldn't drink coffee before my blood tests. i went over the results in the afternoon, and it looks like i'm mostly good, with a minor concern for (possibly, open to interpretation) b12, iron and dehydration...

gd and i went to the mall on the way back from the clinic, and we had a good hour chilling before i went to work.

i started the day by showing off yesterday's work to a teammate, and i picked up on a bug. i literally spent the entire day trying to figure out the cause and find a solution, it was really hard but it was great material for a new article or two :P

not only was mr smear more cooperative today, but for possibly the first time ever he actually did his homework in class like the rest of the kids! he was almost as excited as we were that he didn't have to do it at home :)

i tried joining gd for beverly hills cop 2 again, but passed out almost on contact with the couch. i realized towards the end of the film that a part of it was second-hand smoke, and i turned on the fan and moved upwind and woke up. i find that while the original movie aged surprisingly well, the sequel is only really entertaining if you're admiring just how shockingly amateur the writing was.

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