
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, September 23, 2024

muddling along


yesterday was a bit shit. the morning was good, the evening was good, but the workday was painful and i feel like i barely got anything done. i mean, i did start the day feeling groggy and a bit more spacey than usual, but every - single - thing that i did at work triggered an unstoppable recompilation that took upwards of fifteen minutes, and i kept having to context switch and jump between branches, and i was totally over it even before lunchtime.

anyway, so much for treasure island? mr smear begged me to buy him a minecraft book - diary of a surfer villager: book 1 - and that's all he had bandwidth for. and then, this morning, before he left for school, he finished it...


i guess today was better, but it still had some decidedly shit parts. the morning was positive, but spent a good chunk of it feeling thoroughly lost. by the time i needed to pick up mr smear and take him to his hebrew tutor, i'd had some inspiration and managed to get something going, and while i waited for him i synced with my boss and learned that i'd totally misunderstood him... like that's never happened before :P

anyway, i manged to get things working, and then when we got home i cleaned it up and it was still working, so that was a win.

i then took mr smear to his jiujitsu class. while there, i started working on getting the changes review-ready, and that's where things took an ugly turn. and after we got home, they continued to become progressively hairier. at some point, i realized it was time to call it quits and put off the rest until the morning.

that's when we realized that mr smear had not, in fact, completed his maths homework as he'd claimed. what followed was a mixed bag of experiences as he begrudgingly worked his way through the exercises, culminating in a full-scale meltdown because he wasn't understanding something and was inconsolably beyond the pale of reason.

i tried to convince him - kindly - to not let that last exercise get the better of him before bedtime, because i wanted him to feel *some* degree of satisfaction and not go to sleep without having conquered the thing that gave him the bad feelings. we ended up having to double-team him with a more forceful approach, but once he relented he got through it easily and we could enjoy dinner and a more pleasant bedtime experience.

he's actually in bed right now, reading comics until lights' out. that's pretty cool, imo.

and tomorrow morning we're going to meet the new therapist.

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