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Saturday, September 14, 2024

friday 13: rough around the edges

 i just got up an hour or two ago after ages spent impossibly uncomfortable in bed. too tired to be upright, and immediately feeling faint, like i was going to pass out, but also throw up and poop myself at any moment. it's been a while now, a mix of lie-down-flat time and toilet time, and i'm still feeling unstable but much, much better.

so this is happening.

i'm pretty sure a big part of it was eating too much for dinner, but i was feeling off all day, and i guess the past couple of days haven't been too good either. i think i might be sick?


the day began pretty well. gd joined me and mr smear on our walk to the school - she's been feeling cooped up, she's still sore but definitely doing better since her latest nerve block - and then we came home and settled in to watch stander. there's a problem with the video, so we ended up watching the first half of apocalypse now instead. this was mostly an outstanding experience, although at some point gd was upset by some animal abuse (there's a surprising amount in the film) and i made the mistake of confronting her about her dissonance on the topic*. i've been generally good about keeping my mouth shut on the topic, but i slipped this morning and it took us some time to recover :/

* she's not fully vegan, though she doesn't disagree that we all should be. in theory.

i picked up mr smear from school, and was pleased to hear that he'd had a good day.

i wasn't feeling too good - i've been having trouble with my neck, and i think something's been stuck on a nerve, so i lay down for a bit. before lying down, i'd tried to add mr smear's steam account to my family account, but had given up. at some point, he woke me up because it had rendered all the games unavailable.

i spent the next while trial-and-erroring my way to changing his account's country, which required setting up a VPN (again), and making a purchase with a canadian payment method. that last part proved complicated, because my canadian credit card's billing address isn't in israel. anyway, i eventually got it right, picked up a copy of dehumanized for less than a dollar, added his account to the family account, and we can now both play steam games at the same time.


as evening approached, we had the same old fight with mr smear that we always do about going outside. i tried really hard to be gentle and make it a discussion, but that ultimately failed. we had some drama, but gd and i rallied and - although more harshly than either of us would have liked - managed to bring him around.

mr smear and i then walked to midtown in good spirits, he had some food and then played in the water installation for a while before we headed home. all in all, we had a really nice evening together.

everything was great until dinner time, when i began to fall apart, feeling suddenly and overwhelmingly tired.


it's taken me a while to write all this out, not least because i was playing the martian games in bloons: adventure time simultaneously. i died writing this last sentence :P

i hope i get some sleep soon.

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