
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, October 04, 2022


it's yom kippur, i'm trying to fast but i'm exhausted and still a bit "off" (somewhat dizzy) even though my nose situation has been relatively relaxed since yesterday.

sunday was a great day work-wise, yesterday was more of a mixed-bag. i managed to make good progress on my "primary" project - it's primary when there aren't fires to be put out - but then i was invited to a mystery which, after a couple of hours with three of our heads together turned out to be kinda my fault. when we finally understood the ridiculous nature of the problem, i cracked open a beer and started working on a fix... which may not have been the optimal way forward, but it was necessary. so two revisions and lots of testing later i finally managed to get it right, and i was done for the day.

i slept better last night than in a while, but that's only relative, and around 4am i walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of water and encountered a very large cockroach while i was unable to catch...

i was planning on going in to work this morning but as i opened the front door i felt dizzy, so it was another day working from home. which was fine. it was a productive day, and i enjoyed receiving a significant assist from github's copilot when writing my tests. like, a literally amazing assist, because i was having trouble with a mocking framework and it knew all the details the documentation had glossed over.

between that and the last couple of months of AI frenzy regarding image generation, i can't help thinking that we might be fast approaching the singularity...

i got to rest a bit this afternoon, lying on the couch or reading deadpool comics, and took mr smear out for a bit of exercise. then the two of us dived in to the costume quest series on amazon prime which is fantastic, accompanied by wolfing down large quantities of gd's home-made vegan sushi as the pre-fast meal.

and then, after a quick shave and shower, the sun set. i had a quick chat with horseman, then joined gd and mr smear who were enjoying the after-dark park experience with the rest of the neighbourhood. there's something utterly magnificent about relaxing with other parents amidst throngs of kids just doing their thing, a festival-like atmosphere, and for us in particular witnessing mr smear confidently hanging out and getting on nicely with the other kids.

i'm typing this while listening to the live sermon, and feeling an enormous sense of gratitude. may this coming year be better for us all in every respect. may each and all of us evolve and adapt and be better.

gmar hatima tova.

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