
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

well... gosh.

 work-wise, this did not feel like a good week at all. the second round of my design review brought out some significant changes and the boss was unhappy about the lack of efficiency in how much time everyone's invested in this process so far... i guess we're all learning, but i'd rather it wasn't on account of something i own when it's my first time doing this with them.

to make things worse, after two and a half weeks losing an enormous amount of time to other people's flaky tests that took hours to fail each time, the flakiness was finally fixed and by the end of the day - the end of the week - we finally discovered that my code had, in fact, broken something.

good grief.


on wednesday night we hosted our rabbi's family. mr smear slept in our bed, and had had a bit of cough earlier - it got so bad during the night that he woken up screaming because (ironically?) he could barely breathe. after that i could barely sleep because i was freaking out about a nightmare scenario where wednesday's meeting with misrad hapnim has to be cancelled because we've picked up covid (again, reinfection is apparently a big thing now) or something else.

since yesterday evening gd and i have been struggling to breathe...


the rabbi and his family took us out to a vegan pizzeria, the food was excellent and our table was literally next to the door of levontin 7 - i really missed levontin 7! there was some series of events happening, and we were fascinated by the people going in and out because it seemed like young people and children were going in and being transformed into old people.

the evening ended on a good note, but that note turned sour as we rushed to get a bus from a... less than savoury area. gd freaked out because she's still getting over south africa trauma, but it otherwise really wasn't so bad.


this week's money drama has made it difficult to not be anxious or to get through the myriad bureaucratic chores on my plate. i'm exhausted. the world is relentless. i need a break.


gd's meeting is on wednesday, we got extra passport photos taken yesterday just in case. everything else is just getting through the next few days and praying that that meeting goes well.

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