
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

one nose-blow at a time

 jesus, this week was harsh. not only am i still struggling with sinusitis - i was snotty all week - but i was under immense pressure and only finally saw a way through just before leaving the office on thursday. in retrospect, i've learned a lot over the course of the week, but i believe that i would have progressed must faster if i'd had a more relaxed approach. a significant part of my struggling was the perpetual discomfort and distraction from my sinuses.

i'm going to have to see if my "damage control" efforts have paid off when i speak to my team lead tomorrow...


mr smear's first doctor's appointment went well! it's rather helpful that his paediatrician speaks french, so gd was able to communicate effectively with her. this is good.


i had a fight with an agent of the municipality over arnona because i had absolutely no idea what he was trying to say to me. it turns out their system is set up in such a way that one must never make a payment that's in someone else's name, because when they finally transferred the arnona into my name they retroactively credited our landlord's account and charged mine for the period it took us to get the transfer sorted.



yesterday i signed up for ha'avoda in order to vote for a reform representative who actually cares about the lack of humanity in the immigration process.


jesus, it's hot. and nowhere near as hot as the heat-wavy regions of this planet that are a solid indication that we're rapidly approaching extinction. holy shit. the more i've read on the topic the less optimistic i'm becoming, and i said to gd yesterday that as much as i'm working towards our future and as good a quality of life as possible, i'm also partially resigned to the fact that we've all collectively decided that we're doing this, welcoming the apocalypse, and we need to make the best of every day we have left before everything falls apart.


i ended up going to my coworker's wedding alone on thursday night, and that turned out to be a good thing. nobody else brought their partners, it was a good group bonding session, the food was great and i didn't drink too much and we all danced all night. the wedding itself was very, very sweet.

yesterday was recovery day, and nystire picked us up to go to tahoma's birthday party which was a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon.


we watched treasure planet yesterday evening. it's great.

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