
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, April 05, 2019

the buzz


wednesday was hard, between the exhaustion, whatever this bug is and the sudafed i really struggled and i'm still a bit off with my sinuses and throat (but just now starting to feel better). mr smear got a bit of sleep on what was left of tuesday night but still had an accident or two in the morning, his tummy was still troubling him until the evening but by this morning he had had a good night's rest and was on the mend. aside from my work day being broken up by a doctor's visit, it was filled with grinding, and while gd watched the disturbing motley crue movie after we put mr smear to bed i actually made an hour or two of good progress.


i woke up this morning after a good night's sleep myself, still groggy; i was going to get back to my book compilation this morning but there were way to many distractions...

i was still a bit out of it at work but i completed some good work, and by the time i rushed out to take over from the nanny (gd was seeing a surgeon, looks like she might be going for surgery) my teammate and i (well, mostly him) had made great strides and it looks like we're a bit ahead of schedule!

mr smear's tummy's still sensitive but he's definitely much better. the evening was generally nice, and once i'd said goodnight i settled down to some bureaucracy and to try and figure out what to do about my podcast hosting - podcast garden would be an amazing service but their site is unavailable half the time and they have no concept of customer service. i decided that i need to roll my own podcast setup, and while looking at options for hosting i realized that now is as good a time as any to explore s3.

well, it took a bit of fiddling but i'm now sorted for hosting, and it looks like it's going to cost me a couple of cents per month (vs. the $9 for soundcloud and [AAAAAAAARRRRGHH while looking up how much podcast garden costs per month i discovered that those sneaky bastards charged me the annual amount!! now in addition to everything else i have to manage a paypal dispute, i can't freaking believe this] $2.99 - in theory - for podcast garden).

jesus, what a day. i started posting this a while ago and it's now 1am already :(

the other disappointment for the day was learning about die antwoord; i wasn't a big fan, but i respected them as artists and i now see that they're pathetic and have no integrity whatsoever. see here and here for details, the first was pretty convincing and the second just made things really clear.

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