
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

saturday haze

nothing like waking up to workers coming in to re-install the geyser, and then discovering that gd had the time wrong for her friend's baby shower so not only did we not get to go to the temple for the kids' morning, but we were trapped indoors with no water. a fair chunk of the morning was spent with mr smear watching the telly and me writing a chat server, with a solid break for the two of us to play samorost 3 together which was AWESOME.

and then, about half an hour before gd got home, i caught mr smear scratching the couch with a sharp tool. i called him out, he began screaming at me (which he's been doing for a little while now), and we ended up in a timeout / tantrum cycle that lasted until a minute or two before gd got home. that was the first tantrum. we then headed to the waterfront because we needed to pick up groceries, and between grabbing coffee (or tea), picking up meds from the pharmacy, grabbing a falafel laffa (mr smear ate the crap out of it), walking past die antwoord's ninja and feeling utterly disappointed since seening this and this, some playground time with mr smear, and then a full-scale meltdown in the grocery store (i had to carry him over my shoulder to the car, strap him in and wait for the screaming to stop).

once he was done, it was "hug-uppies" time so that he could pass out on my shoulder, which hurt my back and set off cranial nerve pressure nausea but was an enormous relief after the two tantrums. and then we got home and i realized that i'd promised to help our neighbour out with something and been distracted, so i had to go out again to pick up more groceries. i was feeling horrible and our neighbour insisted on a five minute chat that probably took ten or fifteen but felt like half an hour.

and then i spent the rest of the evening recovering, with my wife telling me i have to lose weight while i finished coding the chat server and got stuck into dealing with podcast aggregators and migrating my sonnetcomix website again, this time because i've received the sketch for the next page from the illustrator and realized that it violates blogger's content policies - fortunately wordpress is accepting of mature content as long as it's tasteful and is flagged as such.

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