
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

passover easter

happy holidays to all!

this past week was really rough, i had to work from home on monday and spent the first few days really messed up and not as productive as i needed to be. in particular, there've been some medical insurance issues that have been haunting me for the entire week that i simply haven't been capable of facing :(

work: team dynamics got interesting, we had some drama i had to mediate, and one of my teammates is in a hole personally and i'm trying to figure out how i can help him before he burns out entirely... unconscious bias training was kinda interesting, but less than meeting someone in our organization who's tasked with doing the kinds of stuff in education that i'm really excited about and getting to sit down with her for half an hour.

i was supposed to be spending the week training to be on call, but i only finishing delivering my work on thursday afternoon and with yesterday being good friday i ended up with only one or two hours to prepare. no pressure.

knee: monday was super painful, i've barely been able to sleep at night from the pain and discomfort and not being able to sleep on my side. the swelling in my knee seems to have come down and while there're still painful movements it's stable enough for me to put weight on it, but as of this afternoon my ankle's swollen up and we have no idea what that's about.

i actually managed to play catch with him in the garden for a bit this afternoon, though, which was really nice.

i'm icing and rest as much as i can but it's exhausting.

sonnet comics: the good news is that my podcast is finally on spotify and tunein and stitcher, but i only managed to post the latest episode on thursday night and i've now learned the hard way that i really have to prepare a buffer of episodes if i'm going to post on schedule.

passover: after being dragged along to a grocery shopping i was incapable of assisting with, i spent the remainder of yesterday afternoon coaching my cousin's boyfriend for his interview with my company and left myself a hurried few minutes to go through the new haggadot before our friends arrived and we were on our way to the seder. the evening was really nice, my kid made me proud, and it was nice seeing everyone.

mr smear has been giving us some real trouble over the past couple of weeks with behaviour that he's clearly picked up from a friend of his, but we seem to be winning the long game. gd's been in a lot of pain and has had to pick up a lot of slack since i've been out of commission, which really sucks.

our neighbour is in trouble and in desperate need of assistance, if not just an ear to hear. which has been particularly tough to provide with everything else that's been going on, and i'm worried that his fears of chemical lobotomy will materialize because i really don't think he's a danger to anyone.

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