
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, October 14, 2013

the storm - part ii

[... continued]


side note: there's nothing like walking into airflow in an enclosed space and having a man approach you coughing openly.

it was a gorgeous day - heck, the entire weekend's been amazing weather - and i waited in the sun for newk'd and his girlfriend. we went to see the cory arcangel exhibition. it was divided into two parts, the first part being a mix of video game / movie madness that half impressed me and half assured me that this is someone who has way too much time on his hands. the second part was absolutely incredible, the "light side" if you will of that very same mix of superhuman patience and a bizarre attitude towards the nature of digital reality. it was totally mesmerizing and i'm very glad i went!

we strolled around old montreal, stopping for lunch (i had a cheeseless pizza that was pretty good) before meeting up with horseman and heading to a proper pub. we talked and drank non-stop and it was not only entertaining but we had some sodding good ideas as well, and somehow all ended up in an alley outside doing fun freestyling exercises for an hour or two before finally calling it a night.

my brain was overtaxed and i got home in a zombie state.


around 4am i woke up freaking out, thinking that if i don't quit i'm going to develop an ulcer. i managed to get back to some fitful sleep, then got up to plan things until i could put my mind at relative ease.

i did the laundry and had to consciously ignore some aggressive unneighbourly behaviour, then suddenly realized that i'd forgotten to sort out the mortgage! that turned out to be in my favour, because later on pg would get in touch and agree to handle the payment herself! [she's doing that literally right now, i'm *so* excited that this shit is getting sorted out ^_^]

i spent the afternoon at starbucks working on my comics and then returned home to receive horseman for smoothies and tekken. he's damned good and gave me a run for my money - it's always a great pleasure to discover other serious fans :D

i visited godmother for a pleasant dinner. yang's had his wisdom teeth removed and was in surprisingly good spirits.

i returned home and watched the other two thirds of the girl who leapt through time: what a wonderful movie!

it's taken me ages to post this, but i guess it's better to be dealing with the mortgage / mortgage insurance issues before going to bed. i sense i might sleep much better tonight.

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