
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


how about that? i went on a date with a diaspora-jewish girl and the world didn't end! it was actually really nice, in spite of the transit system getting me there awkwardly early, and i think there might be a follow-up.

before going to sleep i read something about how focus is what elevates the successful, and that the more you practice the more natural focusing becomes. the example exercise was focusing on breathing and not letting anything distract you. the penny dropped and i finally realized what the whole meditation thing is about.

i woke up at 1.30am to call the mortgage bank, did that and returned to bed. i slept really well, then woke up to an email telling me that the bank had done something really stupid and my accounts couldn't be closed. i spent half an angry hour on the phone with a guy who was insistent that this was not the bank's fault or responsibility and there was nothing they could do to help me sort out the mess. now i have to call again in an hour in the hope that we'll figure out a way to fix this :(

so that's the list of things i hate today: bank leumi. avast! is still up on the board from yesterday, i haven't forgiven them for all the gremlins-in-my-pc shit.

my day can be satisfactorily defined by the words "back strain". my muscles were really tender and only stopped hurting in the early evening.

megaman moment of the day: "you're setting us up to fail," i told him after a surprise delivery requirement on a completely unrealistic time frame. why do i keep saying exactly what i'm thinking?? he sort of backpedaled, though, so it worked out okay.

it's supposed to be autumn and we're experiencing strangely warm weather. which is nice, but kinda sucks when you're geared up for "sweater weather". it's easier to deal with cold and very cold than warm, cold and undecided. the office snow talk didn't help because we're all getting excited for what's going to begin at least a month from now...


jslint is a surprisingly helpful tool. i've read a couple of articles trashing it, but in my opinion it definitely has a place amongst our tools.

thought for the moment: "whatever your medium, whatever your tools, your art is the you that should be good enough to stick around forever". i have to watch in bits and pieces 'cause it's so very long, but chasejarvis is very interesting.

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